Exploring Ethnically-Marked Varieties of Kenyan English: Intonation and Associated Attitudes. LIT Verlag Münster; 2018.
. Publications
Factors affecting Projects implementation in civil society organizations. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing; 2018 p. 144.
Factors Influencing the Girl Child in Urban Domestic Service Labour in Eldoret, Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) . 2018;23(6):88-93.
Factors Influencing The use of Itns Among The Jaggery And Tea workers In The Prevention of Malaria In South mugirango Sub - county, Kisii county, Kenya. IOSR Journal of Nursing and Health Science (IOSR-JNHS). 2018;7:61–68.
Farmer Managerial Sovereignty: An International Issue Glimpsed in Kenya & United Kingdom. In: International Farm Management Association Congress. 22nd ed. Tasmania, Australia; 2018. p. . The 22th International Farm Management Association Congress
Feasibility of the Proposed Monetary Union in East African Community: Generalized Method of Moments Approach. Global Journal of Human-Social Science Research. 2018.
Feasibility of the Proposed Monetary Union in East African Community: Structural Vector Autoregression Approach. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management United Kingdom. 2018;6(4).
Fencing solves human-wildlife conflict locally but shifts problems elsewhere: A case study using functional connectivity modelling of the African elephant. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2018;55:2673–2684.
Forest cover change analysis in the Aberdares protected landscape. In Press. 2018.
Foundations: The 2017 Texas Lions Camp Impact Report. Kerrville, TX: Texas Lions Camp (TLC); 2018 p. .
Future Voices: Who is Listening?. Journal of Education, Society and Behaviour Science, 2018/JESBS/44132. 2018.
Harnessing ICT use in poverty reduction: A case study of rural women in Keiyo South Constituency. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology. 2018;4:244–257.
Health Vulnerability and Adaptation Measures of Households in Flood-prone Informal Settlements in the Coastal City of Mombasa. In: the 4th Annual International Conference on Public Health. Athens, Greece.; 2018. p. .
Heavy Metals in Pig Livers; A Case of Munyaka Estate-Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology. 2018;4:38–46.
Home HPV testing in rural Kenya; Improving capacity for cervical cancer screening and prevention. In: The 48TH SGO Annual Meeting. ; 2018. p. .
Hot beverages and oesophageal cancer risk in western Kenya: Findings from the ESCCAPE case–control study. International Journal of Cancer. 2018.
HPV Infection and Vaginal Microbiome Diversity in HIV-Infected and Uninfected Women in Kenya and Rwanda. In: NCI U54 Meeting. ; 2018. p. .
A hybrid recommender system for e-learning based on context awareness and sequential pattern mining. Soft Computing. 2018;22:2449–2461.
The impact of VIA screen and treatment with cryotherapy or LEEP in patients with HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). In: NCI U54 Meeting, Lilongwe, Malawi. ; 2018. p. .
Influence of Job Design on Commitment of Contact Centres Agents. Journal of International Academic Research for Multidisciplinary. 2018;6(10).
The Influence of Self-help Groups in Enhancing Social Integration and Decision Making among the Widows in Kenya. In Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal [Internet]. 2018;5:52–66. Website