The availability of interpretation media and tourists’ satisfaction with movie induced tourism in Kenya. . International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Reviews, 5(2), p.244-252.
, 2018. Publications
Does Grading Standard Dimensions of Hotel Rating System predict customer satisfaction? Empirical evidene from Malawi. Journal of Tourism and Management, 6(2), p.149-163.
, 2018. Effect of stereotypes created by movies on the satisfaction of tourists with movie induced tourism (MIT). African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 7(4).
, 2018. Community Based Tourism Initiatives: Lessons for Best Practice in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Typology of Community Based Tourism. Eldoret, Kenya: Moi University, p. 45-60.
, 2017. Community Based Tourism Initiatives: Lessons for Best Practice in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Jones, E. & Wishitemi, B. E. (eds). Tourism Planning, Policy Formulation and Community Based Tourism. Eldoret, Kenya: Moi University Press, p. 62-71.
, 2017. How Local Traditions and way of living influence Tourism: Base Camp Explorer in Maasai Mara, Kenya and Svalband, Norway. In In Chen, J. S. & Prebensen, N. K. (eds). Nature Tourism. UK: Routledge, p. 68-81.
, 2017. Typology of Community Based Tourism. In In Jones, E. & Wishitemi, B. E. (eds). Community Based Tourism Initiatives: Lessons for Best Practice in Sub-Saharan Africa. Eldoret, Kenya: Moi University Press, p. 45-60.
, 2017. Kenya’s Domestic Tourism: Motivation, Development and Trends. In In Rieucau, J. (ed). Beyond the safari. The third cycle of tourism revolution in Kenya.
, 2014. The Efficacy of Tourism as a Tool for Poverty Reduction among the Il Ngwesi Maasai in Kenya. In In Akama, J. S. eds. TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN KENYA: Critical issues, challenges and alternatives in the new millennium. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers Ltd., p. 233-249.
, 2013. Tourism Development in Developing Countries. A Case Study of Mombasa Resort in Kenya. In In Akama, J. S. eds. TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN KENYA: Critical issues, challenges and alternatives in the new millennium. Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers Ltd. , p. 223-232.
, 2013. The perceived potential of tourism as a tool for poverty reduction. A case study of the Samburu-Laikipia region in Kenya. D. Phil Thesis, Moi University, Eldoret.
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