The Youth are more like Oysters than Sausages in Kenya; Empowerment is Supreme. In International Journal of Social Science. 2010;2(4):22–26.
. Publications
3.“Second Home Tourism: African Experience”. ISBN 978-8. Tourism, Urbanization and the Way Forward. Politica Internacional, Barcelona, Spain. 2009.
An analysis of emotional intelligence and the performance of principals in selected schools in Kenya. Advances in Developing Human Resources. 2009;11:719–746.
Analysis of production objectives and breeding practices of dairy goats in Kenya. Tropical animal health and production. 2009;41:307–320.
Assessment of Drug Interactions Between Antiretroviral and the Anthelminthic drugs. Department of Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Liverpool (UK). 2009.
Autobiography and the Quest for Nationhood. In: Moi University Annual International Conference. Eldoret, Kenya; 2009. p. .
Burden and pattern of cancer in Western Kenya. East African Medical Journal. 2009;86.
Burden and pattern of cancer in Western Kenya. East African medical journal. 2009;86.
The Challenges of Integrating Professional Qualifications into Academic Training: Examples from Recent Curriculum Review at the Moi University School of Arts and Social Sciences. In: International conference on "Career Opportunities in Education, Culture, and Media" at the University of Buea. Cameroon; 2009. p. .
A combination of pH-sensitive caplet coatings may be an effective noninvasive strategy to deliver bioactive substances, nutrients, or their precursors to the colon. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism. 2009;34:893–900.
Condom brands, perceptions of condom efficacy and HIV prevention among university students in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. African Journal of AIDS Research. 2009;8:311–320.
Contraction of wildlife dispersal area and displacement by human activities in Kimana Group Ranch near Amboseli National Park, Kenya. The Open Conservation Biology Journal. 2009;3.
Cultivation and promotion of a reading culture among primary school children in urban areas: a case of schools on Eldoret municipality. East African Journal of Information Sciences. 2009;1:123–141.
Cultural Beliefs and Attitudes as a Roadblock to Women Participation in Community Leadership. Maarifa: A Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2009;3:107–114.
Destruction of aflatoxins in contaminated maize samples using ammoniation procedures. East and Central African Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2009;12.
Detoxification of aflatoxin in artificially contaminated maize crop by ammoniation procedures. Discovery and Innovation. 2009;21:77.
Dynamism of professional Nursing. Kenya Nurses Journal. 2009;13(3):16-18.
Effects of Human Resource Practices on Labor Turnover in Small Hospitality Establishments in Major Towns in Kenya. Journal of Business & Economics. 2009.
Ethnicity, Colonialism and Genocide in Rwanda: Genesis and New Developments. in Moi University Maarifa Journal. 2009.