Dairy goat production practices in Kenya: Implications for a breeding programme. Age. 2010;108:100–100.
. Publications
Determinants of Internet Adoption and Assimilation: Experiences of Kenyan University Libraries. Germany: VdmVerlag.; 2010 p. .
Determinants of Investor Confidence for Firms Listed at the nairobiStock Exchange. Eldoret: Unpublished Moi University. 2010.
Direct and maternal (co) variance components, genetic parameters and annual trends for growth traits of Dorper sheep in semi-arid Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production. 2010;42:473–481.
Direct and maternal (co)variance components, genetic parameters and annual trends for growth traits of Dorper sheep in semi-arid Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production [Internet]. 2010;42:473–481. WebsiteAbstract
Direct and maternal (co)variance components, genetic parameters and annual trends for growth traits of Dorper sheep in semi-arid Kenya. Tropical Animal Health and Production [Internet]. 2010;42:473–481. WebsiteAbstract
Economic contribution and viability of dairy goats: implications for a breeding programme. Tropical Animal Health and Production [Internet]. 2010;42:875–885. WebsiteAbstract
Economic contribution and viability of dairy goats: implications for a breeding programme. Tropical Animal Health and Production [Internet]. 2010;42:875–885. WebsiteAbstract
Economic contribution and viability of dairy goats: implications for a breeding programme. Tropical animal health and production. 2010;42:875–885.
Economic evaluation for improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. In: Proceedings of the 9th world congress on genetics applied to livestock production, Leipzig. ; 2010. p. 1–6.
Economic evaluation of breeding strategies for improvement of dairy cattle in Kenya. Tropical animal health and production. 2010;42:1081–1086.
Education leadership in a globalized economy: A Kenyan perspective. Journal for education science and technology. 2010;4:15-47.
Education leadership in a globalized economy: A Kenyan perspective. International Journal of Science and Technology Education Research. 2010;1:62–72.
Effectiveness of Pastoral Programme Instruction in Management of Discipline in Primary Schools in Cheptiret zone, Uasin Gishu County, Kenya. People Matter: A Journal of Applied Psychology. 2010;1:57-71.
Elevating Transitional Local Justice or Crystallizing Global Governance. Localizing Transitional Justice: Interventions and Priorities after Mass Violence. 2010:275–284.
{Emergency mental health and psychosocial support for survivors of post-election violence in Eldoret, Kenya.}. East African medical journal. 2010;87.Abstract
Forest Resource use on adjacent communities of Mau Forest Complex. Lambert Academic Publishing Germany; 2010 p. .
Foreword. In: Counterpoint and Other Poems. Nairobi: Oxford University Press; 2010. p. x-xii.