In this work, ZnO thin films were investigated to sense NO2, a gas exhausted by the most common combustion systems polluting the environment. To this end, ZnO thin films were grown by RF sputtering on properly designed and patterned substrates to allow the measurement of the electrical response of the material when exposed to different concentrations of the gas. X-ray diffraction was carried out to correlate the material’s electrical response to the morphological and microstructural features of the sensing materials. Electrical conductivity measurements showed that the transducer fabricated in this work exhibits the optimal performance when heated at 200 °C, and the detection of 0.1 ppm concentration of NO2 was possible. Ab initio modeling allowed the understanding of the sensing mechanism driven by the competitive adsorption of NO2 and atmospheric oxygen mediated by heat. The combined theoretical and experimental study here reported provides insights into the sensing mechanism which will aid the optimization of ZnO transducer design for the quantitative measurement of NO2 exhausted by combustion systems which will be used, ultimately, for the optimized adjustment of combustion resulting into a reduced pollutants and greenhouse gases emission.
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