Indigenous breeding practices of pastoralist goat keepers in Northern Kenya. In: Minas Gerais, Brazil: Instituto Prociência; 2006. p. 30-16.
. Publications
Language planning and reform: An alternative language policy for Kenya. Language planning for development in Africa. 2006:37–53.
Low velocity impact of hemp reinforced polypropylene composites. In: 27th International Conference SAMPE EUROPE, Hotel Mercure, Porte de Versailles “EXPO”, Paris, France, 27th to 29th March 2006. ; 2006.
Low-carbohydrate diet and oxidative stress in diabetic and nondiabetic rats. Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology. 2006;20:259–269.
Maternal nutritional status in pastoral versus farming communities of West Pokot, Kenya: differences in iron and vitamin A status and body composition. Food and nutrition bulletin. 2006;27:228–235.
New Exam Format Approach KCSE Mathematics Paper One. Eldoret: Bookshelf Publishers.; 2006 p. .
Peak Revision KCPE, Social Studies. Nairobi: EAEP; 2006 p. .
Population growth, environment and development: what role for the law?. Moi University Law Journal. 2006;1:93–104.
{Post traumatic stress disorder among Mau Mau concentration camp survivors in Kenya}. East African Medical Journal. 2006;83.Abstract
Principles for the establishment of community wildlife sanctuaries for ecotourism: Lessons from Maasai Group Ranches, Kenya. African Journal of Business and Economics. 2006;1:90–109.
The psychological well-being of children orphaned by AIDS in Cape Town, South Africa. Ann Gen Psychiatry [Internet]. 2006;5. Website
Science and socio economics for sustainable development: Challenges and opportunities in the 21st century. In: Moi University 2nd Annual International Conference. 29th-2nd September; 2006. p. .
Sexual and drug use risk behaviors among children and youth in street circumstances in Porto Alegre, Brazil. AIDS Behav [Internet]. 2006;10. Website
Social and health behaviors in youth of the streets of Ibadan, Nigeria. Child Abuse Negl. [Internet]. 2006;30. Website
Successes and failures of small ruminant breeding programmes in the tropics: a review. Small Ruminant Research [Internet]. 2006;61:13 - 28. WebsiteAbstract
Successes and failures of small ruminant breeding programmes in the tropics: a review. Small ruminant research. 2006;61:13–28.
Successes and failures of small ruminant breeding programmes in the tropics: a review. Small Ruminant Research [Internet]. 2006;61:13 - 28. WebsiteAbstract
Successes and failures of small ruminant breeding programmes in the tropics. Small Ruminant Research. 2006;61(1):13-28.