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(2015). Multiple syringocystadenoma papilliferum arising from an extensive nevus sebaceous of Jadassohn: Case Report. East African Medical Journal, 92, 374–376.
(2015). Muundo wa Kiswahili: Ngazi na Vipengele. Jomo Kenyatta Foundation.
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(2015). New criteria to assess interbasin water transfers and a case for Nzoia-Suam/Turkwel in Kenya. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 89, 121–126. Elsevier.
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(2015). Perceptions Regarding Medical Management of Clubfoot in Kenya. International Journal of physical medicine & Rehabilitation, 3, 1–5.
(2015). The physical and psychological effects of HIV infection and its treatment on perinatally HIV-infected children. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 18, 20258. Wiley Online Library.
(2015). Phytochemical constituents of Senna didymobotrya Fresen Irwin roots used as a traditional medicinal plant in Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research, 6(3), 431-440.
(2015). ‘The Politics of Constitutional Endurance in Africa’. In Workshop on Comparative Constitutional Law University of Milan . presented at the 5 May 2015, Milan, Italy. .