Land use changes and human–wildlife conflicts in the Amboseli Area, Kenya. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 2005;10:19–28.
. Publications
On lexicalization in Sheng. Nordic Journal of African Studies. 2005;14:22–22.
Linguistic Human Rights in Kenya. In: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), in Collaboration with Goethe-Institut & University of Nairobi Hosted a Conference on Across Borders, Benefiting from Cultural Differences: At University of Nairobi, Kenya, 17th and 18th March 2005. DAAD, Regional Office for Africa, Nairobi; 2005. p. 25.
The Official FENS Calendar. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2005;49:139–139.
Protection against secondary fragmentation from AP mines based on natural fibre composites. Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction. 2005;9:49.
Religion in the Political Culture of Kenya. In: Study of Religion in Southern Africa. BRILL; 2005. p. 171–190.
Socio-psychological behaviour change among students: a case study of first year students in Moi University, main campus. Maarifa (Eldoret, Kenya). 2005;1:85–91.
A survey of tourist expectations and economic potential for a proposed wildlife sanctuary in a Maasai group ranch near Amboseli, Kenya. Journal of sustainable tourism. 2005;13:566–589.
Susan Kiguli: Entry. In: Routledge Encyclopaedia of Post - Colonial Literatures in English. Routledge; 2005. p. 342 - 344.
Sustainable Community-Based Organizations for the Genetic Improvement of Livestock in Developing Countries. Outlook on Agriculture [Internet]. 2005;34:261-270. WebsiteAbstract
Sustainable Community-Based Organizations for the Genetic Improvement of Livestock in Developing Countries. Outlook on Agriculture [Internet]. 2005;34:261-270. WebsiteAbstract
Sustainable community-based organizations for the genetic improvement of livestock in developing countries. Outlook on AGRICULTURE. 2005;34:261–270.
Synthesis and characterization of Zinc (II) and Copper (II) complexes of embelin. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia. 2005;19:295–299.
Theatre for development in Kenya: Interrogating the ethics of practice. Research in Drama Education. 2005;10:189–199.
" There are No Refugees in this Area": Self-settled Refugees in Koboko. Refugee Law Project; 2005.
Tourism potential and achievement of protected areas in Kenya: criteria and prioritization. Tourism Analysis. 2005;10:151–164.
Use and availability of tree and shrub resources on Maasai communal rangelands near Amboseli, Kenya. African Journal of Range and Forage Science. 2005;22:37–45.
Wide continuously tunable 1.55$μ$m vertical air-cavity wavelength selective elements for filters and VCSELs using micromachined actuation. Proceedings of SPIE – Opto-Ireland 2005: Optoelectronics, Photonic Devices, and Optical Networks. 2005;5825:14–28.
Young people's sexual health in South Africa: HIV prevalence and sexual behaviors from a nationally representative household survey. AIDS (London, England) [Internet]. 2005;19. Website
Assessment of body composition in lactating mothers in a rural African community using deuterium oxide. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2004;17:10–15.