
In Press
Boltz, T. A., Chu, B. B., Liao, C., Sealock, J. M., Ye, R., Majara, L., Fu, J. M., et al. (2024). A blended genome and exome sequencing method captures genetic variation in an unbiased, high-quality, and cost-effective manner. bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Website Abstract
We deployed the Blended Genome Exome (BGE), a DNA library blending approach that generates low pass whole genome (1-4x mean depth) and deep whole exome (30-40x mean depth) data in a single sequencing run. This technology is cost-effective, empowers most genomic discoveries possible with deep whole genome sequencing, and provides an unbiased method to capture the diversity of common SNP variation across the globe. To evaluate this new technology at scale, we applied BGE to sequence >53,000 samples from the Populations Underrepresented in Mental Illness Associations Studies (PUMAS) Project, which included participants across African, African American, and Latin American populations. We evaluated the accuracy of BGE imputed genotypes against raw genotype calls from the Illumina Global Screening Array. All PUMAS cohorts had R2 concordance >=95% among SNPs with MAF>=1%, and never fell below >=90% R2 for SNPs with MAF<1%. Furthermore, concordance rates among local ancestries within two recently admixed cohorts were consistent among SNPs with MAF>=1%, with only minor deviations in SNPs with MAF<1%. We also benchmarked the discovery capacity of BGE to access protein-coding copy number variants (CNVs) against deep whole genome data, finding that deletions and duplications spanning at least 3 exons had a positive predicted value of \~{}90%. Our results demonstrate BGE scalability and efficacy in capturing SNPs, indels, and CNVs in the human genome at 28% of the cost of deep whole-genome sequencing. BGE is poised to enhance access to genomic testing and empower genomic discoveries, particularly in underrepresented populations.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.
Wauye, V. M., Njiru, E., Amadi, A. K., Hagembe, M. N., & Kigen, G. (2024). Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia primarily presenting as life-threatening pericardial effusion, Eldoret, Kenya: A case report. Clinical Case Reports, 12, e9048. Website Abstract
Key Clinical Message Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia, a rare case of hematological malignancy mainly affects the elderly and may present with life threatening pericardial effusion as an initial manifestation. High index of suspicion is hence key for early management. Abstract We present a case of an 81-year-old African male who presented with progressive cough, respiratory distress and bilateral lower limb swelling, and was diagnosed with life-threatening pericardial effusion resulting from chronic myelomonocytic leukemia following complete blood count, peripheral blood film, bone marrow aspirate with trephine biopsy, and flow cytometry studies.
