The challenges facing bachelor of education school based programme students satisfaction on the use of ICT: a case of moi university, Kenya. Higher Education Research and Policy Network (Herpnet).
(2011). Publications
Changing perspectives of management; Revisiting the existing paradigms and exploring new frontiers; “Dilemma of achieving training outcomes with the benefit of diagnosis. In . presented at the 10-12 March, Kathmandu, Nepal.
(2011). Characterization of two phase flows in chemical engineering reactors. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 22, 265 - 271. Website Abstract
(2011). A cheap method of making fungicide from scrap copper metal. Moi University.
(2011). Civil Society, Social Movements and Transitional Justice. OXFORD UNIV PRESS GREAT CLARENDON ST, OXFORD OX2 6DP, ENGLAND.
(2011). Clinical risk index for babies (CRIB) II score as a predictor of neonatal mortality among low birth weight babies at Kenyatta National Hospital. East African medical journal, 88, 18–23.
(2011). Colour and nutrient removal from textile waste water using an enhanced fluidised bed bioreactor. The African Journal of Technology, 1, 65–79.
(2011). Community opinions on wildlife, resource use and livelihood competition in Kimana Group Ranch near Amboseli, Kenya. The Open Conservation Biology Journal, 5.
Congenital sublingual cyst: a case report. East and Central African Journal of Surgery, 16, 157–161.
(2011). Construction of third order rotatable design through balanced incomplete block design. Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics , 58(1), 39-47.
(2011). Cultural identity and new communication technologies: political, ethnic and ideological implications. In . IGI Global; Hershey, Pennyslavania, USA.
(2011). Customers general acceptability of traditional foods served at an African cuisine luncheon in the Guest House at Moi University, Chepkoilel Campus. African Journal of Business and Economics. , (1), 116-126.
(2011). Definition of breeding objectives and optimum crossbreeding levels for goats in the smallholder production systems. Small Ruminant Research, 96, 16 - 24. Website Abstract
(2011). Definition of breeding objectives and optimum crossbreeding levels for goats in the smallholder production systems. Small Ruminant Research, 96, 16 - 24. Website Abstract
(2011). Definition of breeding objectives and optimum crossbreeding levels for goats in the smallholder production systems. Small Ruminant Research, 96, 16–24. Elsevier.
Development of Sanitary Towel Using Locally Available Natural Fibres for Marginalised Groups in Kenya. Zimbabwe Journal of Science & Technology, 8, 1-7.
(2011). Diaspora Subjectivities and the (Dis)avowal of the Nation in African Literature. In , Border- Crossings: Narrative and Demarcation in Postcolonial Literatures. Berlin: Triere Verlag.
(2011). Diasporic memories and national histories in East African Asian writing. REsEaRch in afRican litERatuREs, 42, 56–67. JSTOR.
(2011). Diet of worms: Quality of catering in Kenyan prisons. Nairobi: Zapf Chancery Research Consultants and Publishers.
(2011). Diffusion and utilisation of information and communication technologies by micro and small entrepreneurs in the tourism industry in Kenya. Mousaion, 29, 117–138. UNISA Press.
(2011). Economic analysis of soil fertility restoration options in potato bean of gardening intercropping in south rift, Kenya. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 3, 487–491. Academic Journals.
(2011). Economic Opportunities and Differentiation in Kenya: The Agro-pastoral Households in Southern Keiyo, 1945-2000. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.