Breeding goals for the Kenya Dual Purpose goat. I. Model development and application to smallholder production systems. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 39, 477–492. presented at the Oct. Website Abstract
(2007). Publications
Breeding goals for the Kenya Dual Purpose goat. I. Model development and application to smallholder production systems. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 39, 477–492. presented at the Oct. Website Abstract
(2007). Breeding goals for the Kenya Dual Purpose goat. II. Estimation of economic values for production and functional traits. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 39, 467–475. presented at the Oct. Website Abstract
(2007). Breeding goals for the Kenya Dual Purpose goat. II. Estimation of economic values for production and functional traits. Tropical animal health and production, 39, 467–475. Springer.
(2007). Breeding goals for the Kenya Dual Purpose goat. II. Estimation of economic values for production and functional traits. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 39, 467–475. presented at the Oct. Website Abstract
(2007). Building Bridges through trichotomous youth identities in Kenya: Evidence from code choice. Cultural Production and Change in Kenya: Building Bridges, 129–47.
(2007). Capacity Development for Library and Other Information Professionals in a Knowledge-driven Society. East African Journal of Information Sciences, 1, 39–49.
Challenges in institutionalisation of governance of group ranches in West Pokot District, Kenya. Maarifa (Eldoret, Kenya), 2, 255–264.
(2007). Challenges of Starting and Managing a School for the Blind in a marginalized War, Torn Country-Somalia. In IDP Fourth Africa Forum. presented at the 7-11 May, Nairobi, Kenya.
(2007). The Chyulu Hills: Raison d’Etre and consequences of contested proprietorship of an idyllic resource oasis. Culture and Community: Tourism studies in Eastern and Southern Africa. Rozenberg Publishers, Amsterdam, 123–137.
(2007). Condensed Matter: Electronic Structure, Electrical, Magnetic and Optical Properties-Specific heat jump in anisotropic YBa2Cu3O7-d superconductor. Indian Journal Of Pure & Applied Physics, 45, 991.
(2007). Confronting the reality of gender-based violence in Northern Uganda. The International Journal of Transitional Justice, 1, 433–443. Oxford University Press.
(2007). Cross border conflict migrants and intra-ethnic conflict in East Africa: the case of the Pokot pastoralists in North Western Kenya. Maarifa (Eldoret, Kenya), 2, 52–63.
(2007). Crying wolf? the impact of terrorism and global security issues on Kenya's foreign relations and diplomacy. Maarifa (Eldoret, Kenya), 2, 44–51.
(2007). A Day the /fingers of a Blind child proved Faster than those of the seeing children of Merka, Somalia. In IDP Fourth Africa Forum. presented at the 7-11 May, Nairobi, Kenya.
(2007). Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, College of Health Sciences, University of Nairobi. Addiction and HIV in Kenya: a description of treatment services and integration..... 17 Lynn E. Sullivan, Barrett G. Levine, Marek C. Chawarski, Richard S. Schottenfeld, 6, 54.
(2007). The Dual Relationship in Counseling : Its Manifestations,Impact & Channeling. (2007). The Dual Relationship in Counseling : Its Manifestations,Impact & Channeling. MAARIFA Journal Humanities & Social Sciences of Moi University, 83-88.
Efficiency of alternative schemes breeding for resistance to gastrointestinal helminths in meat sheep, 69, 167 - 179. presented at the 2007. Website
(2007). Efficiency of alternative schemes breeding for resistance to gastrointestinal helminths in meat sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 69, 167 - 179. Website Abstract
(2007). Efficiency of alternative schemes breeding for resistance to gastrointestinal helminths in meat sheep. Small Ruminant Research, 69, 167–179. Elsevier.
(2007). Efficiency of alternative schemes breeding for resistance to gastrointestinal helminths in meat sheep, 69(1), 167 - 179. presented at the 2007. Website