Depression Coping Strategies among University Medical Students in Kenya. Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership. 2018;Vol.10:94-109.
. Publications
Determinants of Adherence to Antiretroviral Among HIV Positive Adolescents at Comprehensive Care Clinic, Gertrude’s Children Hospital, Nairobi, Kenya. American Journal of Nursing Science. 2018;7:23.
Determinants of Sorghum Producing Households’ Expenditure and Implications for Food Security in Western Kenya and Eastern Uganda. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development. 2018.
Determinants of Sorghum Producing Households’ Expenditure and implications for food security in Eastern Kenya. In: African Farm Management Association Congress. 11th ed. Abuja, Nigeria.; 2018. p. .
Developing and validating a perinatal depression screening tool in Kenya blending Western criteria with local idioms: a mixed methods study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2018;228:49–59.
Developing and validating a perinatal depression screening tool in Kenya blending Western criteria with local idioms: A mixed methods study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2018;228:49–59.
Diabetic retinopathy among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya. The Journal of Ophthalmology of Eastern, Central and Southern Africa. 2018;22.
Diabetic retinopathy among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital,Eldoret,Kenya. Journal of Ophthalmology of Eastern Central and Southern Africa. 2018.
Digital Technologies for Information and Knowledge Management. ( ). Nairobi: Technical University of Kenya; 2018 p. .
A Direct Observational Measure of Family Functioning for a Low-Resource Setting: Adaptation and Feasibility in a Kenyan Sample. Behavior Therapy [Internet]. 2018. WebsiteAbstract
Disease patterns at the sick child clinic of Moi teaching and referral hospital, Kenya. Journal of Scientific and Innovative Research 2018. 2018;7:22–26.
Does Grading Standard Dimensions of Hotel Rating System predict customer satisfaction? Empirical evidene from Malawi. Journal of Tourism and Management. 2018;6(2):149-163.
Does the Grading Standard Dimension of Hotel Rating Sustem Predict Customer Satisfaction? Empirical Evidence from Malawi in. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management. 2018;6.
East African Economic Integration in the Context of post-Modern Pan-Africanism. In: Peace Security and Development in the 21st Century Africa: Theory and Practice. P G Okoth, FK Matanga, Kennedy Onkware (2018) (Eds). Nairobi: Finesse Publishing Ltd; 2018. p. .
Effect of Basic Registration Standard Dimension of Hotel Grading System on Customer Satisfaction in. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management. 2018.
Effect of Climate Change on Maize Productivity in Kenya: A Vector Error Correction Model. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF). 2018;9(1).
The Effect of Firm Ownership Structure on Financial Performance of Privatized State Corporations in Kenya. Supreme Journal of Business and Management. 2018;1:48–60.
Effect of Mental Illness on the Primary Care Givers: A Case Study of Mathari Hospital, Kenya. J Anxiety Depress. 2018;1:104.
Effect of moderate intensity exercise bouts lasting <10 minutes on body composition in sedentary Kenyans adults aged ≥50 years . BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. 2018;4(e000403).
Effect of Organizational Factors on Employee Performance in Kenyan Universities Campuses; a Case of Nakuru County. Journal of Human Resource & Leadership. 2018;2:1–26.
Effect of short and long moderate-intensity exercises in modifying cardiometabolic markers in sedentary Kenyans aged 50 years and above . BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine. 2018;4(e000316).
Effect of stereotypes created by movies on the satisfaction of tourists with movie induced tourism (MIT). African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure. 2018;7(4).