Micro-electromechanical structural design and optimization of vertical cavity photonic devices with wide continuous tuning. University of Kassel, Germany.
(2005). Publications
Mwongozo wa Mayai waziri wa maradhi na hadithi nyingine, KW Wamitila (mhariri). Sasa Sema Publications.
The Perception of Society towards Girl-Child Education in Kenya: A Case of Secondary Schools in Ainabkoi Division of Uasin Gishu District. The Educator: A Journal of the School of Education, Moi University, Eldoret (ISBN 1817-77654) , 1(1), 145-152.
(2005). Protection against secondary fragmentation from AP mines based on natural fibre composites. Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, 9, 49.
(2005). Religion in the Political Culture of Kenya. In Study of Religion in Southern Africa (p. 171–190). BRILL.
(2005). Socio-psychological behaviour change among students: a case study of first year students in Moi University, main campus. Maarifa (Eldoret, Kenya), 1, 85–91.
(2005). A survey of tourist expectations and economic potential for a proposed wildlife sanctuary in a Maasai group ranch near Amboseli, Kenya. Journal of sustainable tourism, 13, 566–589. Taylor & Francis.
(2005). Susan Kiguli: Entry. In , Routledge Encyclopaedia of Post - Colonial Literatures in English (p. 342 - 344). Routledge.
(2005). Sustainable Community-Based Organizations for the Genetic Improvement of Livestock in Developing Countries. Outlook on Agriculture, 34, 261-270. Website Abstract
(2005). Sustainable community-based organizations for the genetic improvement of livestock in developing countries. Outlook on AGRICULTURE, 34, 261–270. SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England.
(2005). Sustainable Community-Based Organizations for the Genetic Improvement of Livestock in Developing Countries. Outlook on Agriculture, 34, 261-270. Website Abstract
. (2005).
Synthesis and characterization of Zinc (II) and Copper (II) complexes of embelin. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia, 19, 295–299. Chemical Society of Ethiopia.
(2005). Theatre for development in Kenya: In search of an effective procedure and methodology. Stellenbosch: Stellenbosch University.
(2005). Theatre for development in Kenya: Interrogating the ethics of practice. Research in Drama Education, 10, 189–199. Taylor & Francis.
" There are No Refugees in this Area": Self-settled Refugees in Koboko. Refugee Law Project.
(2005). Tourism potential and achievement of protected areas in Kenya: criteria and prioritization. Tourism Analysis, 10, 151–164. Cognizant Communication Corporation.
(2005). Use and availability of tree and shrub resources on Maasai communal rangelands near Amboseli, Kenya. African Journal of Range and Forage Science, 22, 37–45. Taylor & Francis.
(2005). Wide continuously tunable 1.55$μ$m vertical air-cavity wavelength selective elements for filters and VCSELs using micromachined actuation. Proceedings of SPIE – Opto-Ireland 2005: Optoelectronics, Photonic Devices, and Optical Networks, 5825, 14–28.
Addressing the educational void during the antiretroviral therapy rollout. Aids, 18, 2105–2106. LWW.
(2004). Assessment of body composition in lactating mothers in a rural African community using deuterium oxide. South African Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 17, 10–15. Taylor & Francis.