Whose Nation? Romanticizing the Vision of a Nation in Bole Butake's" Betrothal without Libation" and" Family Saga". Research in African Literatures. 2009:159–172.
. Publications
Advanced Kenyan Sign Language. Nairobi: Kenya Institute of Special education; 2008 p. .
The Application of Managerial Grid Model in Church Leadership and their Implication on Church Membership. African Ecclesial Review: Specific Challenges to Evangelization in Africa. 2008;48:19-26.
Are street children beyond rehabilitation?: understanding the life situation of street boys through ethnographic methods in Nakuru Kenya. Child Youth Serv Rev [Internet]. 2008;30. Website
Bio-based structural composite materials for aerospace applications. In: South African International Aerospace Symposium; 2008.
Blast testing of natural fibre and hybrid composites. In: 29th International Conference SAMPE EUROPE, Hotel Mercure, Porte de Versailles “EXPO”, Paris, France, 31st March to 2nd April, 2008. ; 2008.
The challenges of orphan fosterage in the era of HIV/AIDS in North Rift region, Kenya. In: HIV/AIDS Challenge in Africa, an impact and response assessment: The Case of Kenya. Addis Ababa: OSSREA; 2008. p. 148-189.
Children of the sug: a study of the daily lives of street children in Khartoum, Sudan, with intervention recommendations. Child Abus Negl [Internet]. 2008;32. Website
Children of the sug: a study of the daily lives of street children in Khartoum, Sudan, with intervention recommendations. Child Abuse Negl [Internet]. 2008;32. Website
Children of the sug: a study of the daily lives of street children in Khartoum, Sudan, with intervention recommendations. Child Abuse Negl [Internet]. 2008;32. Website
Conflict Resolution: The Role of Information and Knowledge Management. ( ). Nairobi: Kenya Library Association and Goethe-Institut; 2008 p. .
Conflict Resolution: The Role of Information and Knowledge Management: the Kenyan Experience. Kenya Library Association; 2008.
Emergency resection of sigmoid volvulus. East African medical journal. 2008;85:398–405.
Ethical issues in research with homeless youths. J Adv Nurs [Internet]. 2008;62. Website
Felt stigma among people living with HIV/AIDS in rural and urban Kenya. African health sciences. 2008;8.
HIV/AIDS and cultural practices in western Kenya: the impact of sexual cleansing rituals on sexual behaviours. Culture, Health & Sexuality [Internet]. 2008;10:587-599. WebsiteAbstract
HIV/AIDS Education: An Entrepreneurial Approach to Impact Mitigation. A Journal of the School of Education. 2008;II:1-26.