
Bardaoui, M., Neffati, F., Moussa, A., Zakhama, A., Najjar, M. F., Hammami, M., Luong, K. V. Q., et al. (2005). EANS Society News. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 49, 140–142. Karger Publishers.
The potential benefits of closed adult nucleus multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) and conventional progeny testing (CNS) schemes, and the logistics of their integration into large-scale continuous production of crossbred cattle were studied by deterministic simulation. The latter was based on F1 (Bos taurus × Bos indicus) production using AI or natural mating and MOET, and continuous F2 production by mating of F1 animals. The gene flow and the cumulative discounted expressions (CDES) were also calculated. Both schemes had 8, 16, 32, or 64 dams with 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 sires selected. In the MOET nucleus scheme (MNS), the test capacity was 1, 2, 8, or 16 offspring, and the number of matings per dam per year was 1, 2, or 4. A scheme of 8 sires with 64 dams and a test capacity of 4 female offspring per dam per year resulted in an annual genetic gain (in phenotypic standard deviation) of 0.324 and 0.081 for MNS and CNS, respectively. In the MNS, there was substantial genetic gain with a relatively small number of animals compared with a CNS. The F1 had the highest, and the F2 scheme the lowest CDES. However, a very large number of B. indicus females would be required in the F1 scheme. This scheme may not be practical under conditions in developing countries. The F2 scheme was logistically attractive because it produces its own replacements, and the number of B. taurus females required would be easy to attain. Accompanying technical and financial constraints of nucleus schemes should be addressed before applying them.
The potential benefits of closed adult nucleus multiple ovulation and embryo transfer (MOET) and conventional progeny testing (CNS) schemes, and the logistics of their integration into large-scale continuous production of crossbred cattle were studied by deterministic simulation. The latter was based on F1 (Bos taurus × Bos indicus) production using AI or natural mating and MOET, and continuous F2 production by mating of F1 animals. The gene flow and the cumulative discounted expressions (CDES) were also calculated. Both schemes had 8, 16, 32, or 64 dams with 2, 4, 8, 16, or 32 sires selected. In the MOET nucleus scheme (MNS), the test capacity was 1, 2, 8, or 16 offspring, and the number of matings per dam per year was 1, 2, or 4. A scheme of 8 sires with 64 dams and a test capacity of 4 female offspring per dam per year resulted in an annual genetic gain (in phenotypic standard deviation) of 0.324 and 0.081 for MNS and CNS, respectively. In the MNS, there was substantial genetic gain with a relatively small number of animals compared with a CNS. The F1 had the highest, and the F2 scheme the lowest CDES. However, a very large number of B. indicus females would be required in the F1 scheme. This scheme may not be practical under conditions in developing countries. The F2 scheme was logistically attractive because it produces its own replacements, and the number of B. taurus females required would be easy to attain. Accompanying technical and financial constraints of nucleus schemes should be addressed before applying them.
Ogechi, N., & Kembo-Sure, E. (2005). Linguistic Human Rights in Kenya. In German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), in Collaboration with Goethe-Institut & University of Nairobi Hosted a Conference on Across Borders, Benefiting from Cultural Differences: At University of Nairobi, Kenya, 17th and 18th March 2005 (p. 25). DAAD, Regional Office for Africa, Nairobi.
Bardaoui, M., Neffati, F., Moussa, A., Zakhama, A., Najjar, M. F., Hammami, M., Luong, K. V. Q., et al. (2005). The Official FENS Calendar. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 49, 139–139. Karger Publishers.
Simatei, P., & Conolly, L. (2005). Susan Kiguli: Entry. In E. Benson, Routledge Encyclopaedia of Post - Colonial Literatures in English (p. 342 - 344). Routledge.
Kahi, A. K., Rewe, T. O., & Kosgey, I. S. (2005). Sustainable Community-Based Organizations for the Genetic Improvement of Livestock in Developing Countries. Outlook on Agriculture, 34, 261-270. Website Abstract
Livestock industries in developing countries face numerous constraints that have often hampered the establishment and sustainability of national genetic-improvement programmes. One major inadequacy in a number of programmes previously developed was that livestock owners were not taken into account in decision making and ownership of improvement initiatives. No matter how much effort is put into financial and technological support, the eventual survival of improvement programmes depends on whether the farmers understood and agreed with the objective of the projects. Otherwise, programmes tend to fade away as soon as the development agencies leave. Community ownership of genetic-improvement programmes has been suggested as a potentially sustainable alternative. In this paper, the establishment and sustainability of community-based organizations for the genetic improvement of livestock (CBOGIL) are discussed with reference to some successful community-based genetic-improvement initiatives in different livestock species.
