Challenges faced by the Hearing Impaired learners in composition writing and in answering comprehension questions in English language lessons. European Journal of Education Studies. 2016;2:14-34.
. Publications
Challenges of Cervical Cancer Screening Among Women of Reproductive Age in Kisii Town, Kisii County, Kenya. Science Journal of Public Health. 2016;4:289–296.
Christianity, Islam, and Liberal Democracy: Lessons from Sub-Saharan Africa. By Robert A. Dowd. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. 240p. $74.00. Perspectives on Politics. 2016;14:897–898.
Classroom Curricular Preparedness for Inclusion of Pupils with Physical Disability within Public Inclusive Schools in Bungoma County, Kenya. International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research. 2016;5:46-56.
{Clinical care of incarcerated people with HIV, viral hepatitis, or tuberculosis}. The Lancet. 2016;388.Abstract
Conducting Graduate Tracer Studies for Quality Assurance in East African Universities: A Focus on Graduate Students Voices on Quality Culture. Journal of Education and Practice. 2016;7:174–181.
Corporate social responsibility in Africa: context, paradoxes, stakeholder orientations, contestations and reflections. Corporate Social Performance in the Age of Irresponsibility-Cross National Perspective. 2016:89–110.
Corporate Social Responsibility in Kenya: Reflections and Implications. In: Corporate Social Responsibility in Sub-Saharan Africa. Springer International Publishing; 2016. p. 87-110.
A Critique on Mutakha Kangu's Conceptualization of the Institution and Theory of Governance. Journal of Law & Ethics . 2016;1(3):30-40.
Decolourization of Textile Dye Waste Water Using Diatomite in a Batch Adsorption Process. Moi University 11th Annual International Conference. 2016:7.
Design and Testing of Mobile-Phone-Detectors. Innovative Systems Design and Engineering. 2016;7.
Design of a Simple Cell-Phone Radio-Frequency Detector. Journal of Information Engineering and Applications. 2016;6.
Determinants of Sorghum Producing Households’ Expenditure and implications for food security in Western Kenya and Uganda. In: The Sorghum in the 21st Century Congress at the Century City Conference Centre. Cape Town, South Africa; 2016. p. .
Determinants of Under-Five Mortality in Abim District, Uganda. birth. 2016;20:20–29.
Development of immunohistochemistry services for cancer care in western Kenya: Implications for low-and middle-income countries. African journal of laboratory medicine. 2016;5:1–7.
Development of Low-Cost Building Materials: Compressed Soil Bricks Stabilized by Natural Fibres. International Conference on Environment, Materials and Green Technology. 2016:141-146.
Diabetes in rural Africa: what can Kenya show us?. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology. 2016;4:807–809.
Does CEO power moderate the relationship between board leadership and strategy involvement in private firms? Evidence from Kenya. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society. 2016.
Dynamic Model of a DC Motor-gear-alternator (MGA) System. Asian Research Journal of Mathematics. 2016;1:16.
Eating sweets without the wrapper: perceptions of HIV and sexually transmitted infections among street youth in western Kenya. Culture, Health & Sexuality [Internet]. 2016;18:337-348. WebsiteAbstract