Achievers Junior Secondary History Teacher’s Guide 2 Malawi. Nairobi; 2014.
. Publications
Adding Value to Knowledge or Eroding the Quality of Education? a Critical Examination of the Module II Degree Programmes in Kenyan Public Universities. In: A Comparative Analysis of Higher Education Systems. Springer; 2014. p. 59–71.
Adding Value to Knowledge or Eroding the Quality of Education? A Critical Examination of Module II Degree Programmes in Kenyan Public Universities. A Comparative Analysis of Higher Education Systems. 2014;1:59-71.
African, Greek and Oriental Traditions in African Children’s Literature. In: Our Mythical Childhood: Classics and Children’s Literature Between West & East. Warsaw: Brill AV Media; 2014. p. .
An Analysis of Young People’s Appropriations of G-Pange HIV/AIDS Campaign Messages in Uasin-Gishu County, Kenya. In: Moi University Annual conference. Margaret Thatcher Library (MTL), Moi University - Kenya; 2014. p. .
Assessment of health effects related to the use of biomass fuel and indoor air pollution in Kapkokwon sub-location, Bomet country, Kenya. Open Journal of Air Pollution. 2014;3(03):61.
Assessment of Health Effects Related to the Use of Biomass Fuel and Indoor Air Pollution in Kapkokwon Sub-Location, Bomet Country, Kenya. Open Journal of Air Pollution. 2014;3:61–69.
Assessment of patient satisfaction with nursing care at a large referral hospital in Kenya. Journal of biology and health care. 2014;4.
An Assessment of the Competencies of English Language Department in Facilitating Professional Development of Teachers of English in Kenya. Research Journal of English Language and Literature. 2014;2(4).
An assessment of the influence Family background on students’Academic Performance in Vihiga County,Kenya. International Journal of Advanced Research. 2014;2(2):1312-1318.
An assessment of the level of awareness of the influence of tourism on the health conditions of locals in and around the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 2014;4:125–132.
At the End of a Long Day, Nairobi CBD. In: An Anthology of Short Stories and Poems from East Africa. Vol. a poem. eBook. Nairobi CBD: Sentia Publishing Company; 2014. p. 09-210.
“Because It Was Hard …”: Some Lessons Developing a Joint IRB Between Moi University (Kenya) and Indiana University (USA). The American Journal of Bioethics [Internet]. 2014;14:17-19. Website
Behavioral attitudes and preferences in cooking practices with traditional open-fire stoves in Peru, Nepal, and Kenya: implications for improved cookstove interventions. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2014;11:10310–10326.
Bioavailability of enteric-coated microencapsulated calcium during pregnancy: a randomized crossover trial in Bangladesh–. The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2014;100:1587–1595.
Bioavailability of enteric-coated microencapsulated calcium during pregnancy: a randomized crossover trial in Bangladesh (804.4). The FASEB Journal. 2014;28:804–4.
Board demographic diversity, firm performance and strategic change: A test of moderation. Management Research Review. 2014;37:1110–1136.
Body composition, water turnover and physical activity among women in Narok County, Kenya. BMC public health. 2014;14:1212.
Braille competency among blind learners: Materials and teacher factors in Thika and Meru, Kenya. Journal of Special Needs and Disabilities Studies. 2014;1:9.
Braille Competency among Learners with Visual Impairment: Methodology and Learner Preparedness in Thika and Meru Counties, Kenya. Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 2014;4(10):109 - 116.
Braille Competency among learners with visual impairments: Methodology and learner preparedness factors in Thika and Meru Counties, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. 2014;4:109–116.