Palmar-plantar erythrodysesthesia associated with capecitabine chemotherapy: a case report. Pan African Medical Journal. 2015;21.
. Publications
Patient doses in general radiography examinations: peer reviewed original article. South African Radiographer. 2015;53:22–26.
Perceptions Regarding Medical Management of Clubfoot in Kenya. International Journal of physical medicine & Rehabilitation. 2015;3:1–5.
Phytochemical constituents of Senna didymobotrya Fresen Irwin roots used as a traditional medicinal plant in Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research. 2015;6(3):431-440.
‘The Politics of Constitutional Endurance in Africa’. In: Workshop on Comparative Constitutional Law University of Milan . Milan, Italy. ; 2015. p. .
Population status and trend of the Maasai giraffe in the mid Kenya-Tanzania borderland. Natural Resources. 2015;6:159.
Population status and trend of water dependent grazers (buffalo and waterbuck) in the Kenya-Tanzania Borderland. Natural Resources. 2015;6:91.
The practice of new oral language structures by learners in the teaching of the English Language curriculum in the Primary school education in Kenya. Journal of Scientific Research & Reports [Internet]. 2015;07:377-385. Website
Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections including HIV in street-connected adolescents in western Kenya. Sexually Transmitted Infections [Internet]. 2015;91:353–359. WebsiteAbstract
Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections Including HIV in Street Involved Adolescents in western Kenya. Sex Transm Infect [Internet]. 2015;91. Website
Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections including HIV in street involved adolescents in western Kenya. Sex Transm Infect [Internet]. 2015;91. Website
Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections Including HIV in Street Involved Adolescents in western Kenya. Sex Transm Infect [Internet]. 2015;91. Website
Prevalence of sexually transmitted infections including HIV in street-connected adolescents in western Kenya. Sex Transm Infect. [Internet]. 2015;91. Website
The relationship between Students’ Attitude and Performance in C.R.E in Secondary School Examinations. International Journal of Education and Research. 2015;3(1): 235-246.
Risk factors associated with aggressive breast cancer Forms Seen in Young Women of Western Kenya. Journal of Medical science and clinical research. 2015;3:5856–5867.
Risk factors for abandonment of Wilms tumor therapy in Kenya. Pediatric blood & cancer. 2015;62:252–256.
The Role of Teachers’ Training in Effective Implementation on Life Skills Curriculum in Secondary Schools in Eldoret East District, Kenya. . British Journal of Education. 2015;3(6):53-70.
Social Economic Factors and their Efffect on Rural Based Enterprises in Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Social Sciences and Humanities Research . 2015;3(1):50-58.
Socio-Economic Distribution and Higher Education Participation of Students in Kenya. International Journal of Education. 2015;7(2):49-65.
Solving the class imbalance problems using RUSMultiBoost ensemble. In: Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI), 2015 10th Iberian Conference on. IEEE; 2015. p. 1–6.