Dynamic Model of a DC Motor-gear-alternator (MGA) System. Asian Research Journal of Mathematics. 2016;1:16.
. Publications
Eating sweets without the wrapper: perceptions of HIV and sexually transmitted infections among street youth in western Kenya. Culture, Health & Sexuality [Internet]. 2016;18:337-348. WebsiteAbstract
Entrepreneurial Career Mentoring Functions and Entrepreneurs Objective Outcomes in Eldoret, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 2016;6(5).
Entrepreneurial Mentorship and Demographic Characteristics within Small and Medium Enterprises in Eldoret, Kenya. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 2016;6(5).
Ethnopharmacological survey of the medicinal plants used in Tindiret, Nandi County, Kenya. African Journal of Traditional, Complementary and Alternative Medicines. 2016;13:156–168.
Evaluating engrailed-2 and cytokines in urine with serum PSA as potential biomarkers in patients with prostatism at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya. East African Medical Journal. 2016;93:678–683.
Examining the Contributions of Surface Ozone on Crop Yield Reduction in Nairobi, Kenya. 12th Kenya Meteorological Society Conference. 2016.
Factors Affecting Effective Succession Management in the Civil Service in Kenya: A Case of Ministry of Water and Irrigation. European Journal of Business and Management. 2016;8(16):26-32.
Factors affecting implementation of evidence-based practice among physiotherapists in Moi teaching referral hospital, Kenya. International Journal of Physical therapy. 2016;3:267–272.
Factors Associated with Uptake of Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (VIA) for Cervical Cancer Screening in Western Kenya. PloS one. 2016;11(6):e0157217.
Fisheries as Heritage: Indigenous Methods of Fishing and Conservation among the Luo Fishers of Lake Victoria. In: Conservation of Natural and Cultural Heritage in Kenya. Anne-Marie Deisser and Mugwima Njuguna (2016). . Nairobi: UCL Press ; 2016. p. .
FPIES: reviewing the management of food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome. Case reports in pediatrics. 2016;2016.
Gender based determinants of coffee consumption for management of coffee production in Kenya. International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering & Technology. 2016;3(1):206-216.
Geo-spatial factors associated with infection risk among young children in rural Ghana: a secondary spatial analysis. Malaria journal. 2016;15:349.
Getting ‘Entangled’: A Focus on the Hotel and Hospitality Curriculum Implementation in Kenya in. Journal of Education and Practice. 2016;7.
A Gloss on Perspectives for the Study of African Literature versus Greek and Oriental Traditions. In: Our Mythical Childhood.. The Classics and Literature for Children and Young Adults. Brill; 2016. p. 183–188.
Grappling with the issue of homosexuality: perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs among high school students in Kenya. PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCH AND BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT. 2016;9:253-262.
Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve: A Social Science Needs Assessment. Michigan: George Wright Society; 2016 p. .
Green technologies for biodiesel production- catalyst systems and methods. Moi University 11th Annual International Conference. 2016:10.