Relationship between Board Characteristics and Firm Financial Diversification (Geographic Sales) Among Listed Firms on Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya: Static Panel Approach. American Journal of Finance. 2018;2(7):19- 42.
. Publications
Relationship between flooding and out break of infectious diseasesin Kenya: a review of the literature. Journal of environmental and public health. 2018;2018.
Repositioning Africa in global knowledge production. Lancet 392. 2018:1163-1166.
Repositioning Africa in global knowledge production. The Lancet [Internet]. 2018;392:1163 - 1166. Website
Retrospective assessment of the quality of diabetes care in a rural diabetes clinic in Western Kenya. BMC endocrine disorders. 2018;18:97.
A Review of the Motorcycle Phenomenon on Levelihoods in Eldoret and Kakamega Municipalities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 2018;8:587–597.
Secondary School Students’ Perceptions of the Influence of Guidance and Counselling Services on Their Overall School Adjustment in Relation to School Type. . Journal of Education and Practice . 2018;Vol 9(Issue 24).
Security Concerns: Al_Shabab and Peace-Keeping in Africa. In: Peace Security and Developments in the 21st Century Africa: Theory and Practic. P G Okoth, FK Matanga, Kennedy Onkware (2018) (Eds). . Nairobi: Finesse Publishing Ltd.; 2018. p. .
Sensitivity and specificity of cryptococcal antigen lateral flow assay for the diagnosis of HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis in western Kenya. East African Medical Journal. 2018;95.
The socio-cultural meanings of death from HIV / AIDS: its influence on the prevention of HIV / AIDS among the Abagusii of Kenya. Department of Sociology, Psychology & Anthropology. 2018.
Sonographic Findings in patients with lower limb swelling, seen at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital,Eldoret,Kenya. International Journal of Advanced Research. 2018;6:574–583.
Stability Analysis Of A Closed Motor-Gear-Alternator (Mga) System Using Nyquist Technique. Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research. 2018;24:22-31.
The status of teacher planning and its influence on Kiswahili language composition instruction in secondary schools in Kenya. International journal of innovative research and advanced studies (IJIRAS) [Internet]. 2018;5:35–40. Website
Strategies to improve postnatal care in Kenya: A qualitative study. International journal of Africa nursing sciences. 2018;9:62–67.
Stroke distribution patterns and characteristics in Kenya’s leading public health tertiary institutions: Kenyatta National Hospital and Moi teaching and referral hospital. Cardiovascular journal of Africa. 2018;29:68–72.
Stroke mortality in Kenya’s public tertiary hospitals: a prospective facility-based study. Cerebrovascular diseases extra. 2018;8:70–79.
Sustainable Implementation of Information Communication Technologies in Secondary Schools in Nairobi County, Kenya. In: Digital Technologies for Information and Knowledge Management. ; 2018. p. 199-205.
Teacher Preparedness For Implementation of E–Learning Programmes In Public Primary Schools In Kenya. International Journal of Education, Learning and Development . 2018;6(2):48-58.
Teachers’ Gender Influence on Adoption and Use of Information and Communication Technology in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology. 2018;4:236–243.
Teachers’ perception towards integration of indigenous knowledge in teaching of mathematical concepts in primary schools in Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research ( 2018;6(9):1-14.
Toward an online MPH degree in Kenya: Moi University’s path. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT. 2018;14.
Towards improving agricultural marketing information systems for smallholder farmers: a Tharaka Nithi case. Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability. 2018;11.
Trade creation and Trade Diversion in the COMESA: Evidence of Kenya’s import Flows in Food and Live Animals. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF). 2018;9(III):60-66.
Traditional and commercial alcohols and esophageal cancer risk in Kenya. International Journal of Cancer. 2018;144.
Training session for High Court Judges on Extractives and Community. Judiciary Training in Extractives in Kenya for High Court Judges. 2018.