Hardness characterization parameters of Niobium Carbide and Niobium Nitride: A first principles study. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2019;229:489-494.Abstract
. Publications
Health vulnerability to flood-induced risks of households in flood-prone informal settlements in the Coastal City of Mombasa, Kenya. Natural Hazards. 2019;99:1007–1029.
HIV prevalence in young people and children living on the streets, Kenya. Bulletin of the World Health Organization [Internet]. 2019;97(1):33 - 41. WebsiteAbstract
Hospital-based Spiritual Care for Mothers of Neonates at RMBH in Eldoret, Kenya: A Situational Analysis. Health & Social Care Chaplaincy. 2019;7.
Household Food Security Support Initiatives on the Social Well-being of Single Orphans. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies. 2019.
Households’ perception of flood risk and health impact of exposure to flooding in flood-prone informal settlements in the coastal city of Mombasa. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management. 2019.
Human Capital, Innovation and Performance: Evidence from Commercial Banks in Kenya. European Journal of Applied Business and Management. 2019;5(3).
The Impact of CSR on Corporate-Society Relations. Journal of Advanced Research in Sociology [Internet]. 2019;1:9–15. Website
The Impact of Non-Technical Barriers of Trade on Imports Flows in Kenya. International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management. 2019;7:27–44.
In Lieu of a Travaux Préparatoires: A Commentary on the Kampala Convention for IDPs. International Journal of Refugee Law. 2019;31:349–378.
Income diversification and performance: should banks trade?. Business & Social Sciences Journal. 2019;4(2):52-64.
Income diversification and performance: should banks trade?. Business & Social Sciences Journal. 2019;4:52–64.
Income Diversification, Market Power and Performance. ournal of Economics and Financial Analysis. 2019;3(2):1-21.
Individual Characteristics and Financial Inclusion of Women Owned Enterprises in Kenya. Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM). 2019;21(4):85-91.
Influence of Financial Leverage on Financial Sustainability. A Case of a Microfinance Institution in Kenya. Economic Research. 2019;3:1–16.
Influence of Governance Structures of the Community Water Projects on Sustainability in the Suam Catchment Area of West Pokot County, Kenya. International Journal of Recent Innovations in Academic Research. 2019.
Influence of Logistic Service Reliability Capability on Firm Performance in Kenya. Economic Research. 2019;3:34–46.
Influence of supervisors’perception on Employee Tenure of Generation Y Employees in selected hotels in Kenya. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). ISSN 2319-7064. 2019;Vol. 8(Issue 2).