Specific heat jump in anisotropic YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7-delta superconductor. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics. 2007;45:991–993.
. Publications
Specific heat jump in anisotropic YBa2 Cu3 O7-delta superconductor. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics. 2007;45(12):991-993.
The state, ethnicity, and resource allocation for socio-economic development in Kenya. Maarifa: A Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 2007;2.
Stereotypes and Representations of the “Other” in the Context of an Intercultural Language-Learning Situation. MAARIFA Journal Humanities & Social Sciences of Moi University. 2007:117-129.
To be or not to be: Urban refugees in Kampala. Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees. 2007:46–56.
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