Persons with Disabilities Act (2003): Implications on Social Interaction and Learning of Students with Disabilities in Universities in Kenya. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. 2012.
. Publications
The politicization of Muslim organizations and the future of Islamic-oriented politics in Kenya. Islamic Africa. 2012;3:25–53.
Product diversification for sustainable tourism development: Exploring the strengths and challenges of Kisumu region, Kenya. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences. 2012;1:108–117.
Protection and promotion of the rights of children working and/or living on the street. Geneva: UNOHCHR; 2012.
Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Children Working And/or Living on the Street. Geneva: UNOHCHR; 2012.
Protection and promotion of the rights of children working and/or living on the street. Geneva, Switzerland: United Nations Children's Fund Consortium for Street Children; 2012.
{Psychiatric morbidity among HIV-infected children and adolescents in a resource-poor Kenyan urban community}. AIDS Care - Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV. 2012;24.Abstract
A qualitative study using traditional community assemblies to investigate community perspectives on informed consent and research participation in western Kenya. BMC Medical Ethics [Internet]. 2012;13:23. WebsiteAbstract
Ranulas: possible signs for HIV/AIDS? 1 year Ugandan descriptive study. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica. 2012;70:149–153.
Recycling and Fibre Reinforcement of Thermoplastic Wastes to Produce Composites for Construction Works. Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology. 2012;4.
Recycling and value addition to thermoplastic wastes to produce plant fibre reinforced composites. Journal of Macromolecules. 2012;8.
Recycling of waste as a determinant of financial performance of Small and medium enterprises in Eldoret Town, Kenya. Prim. Res. Edu. 2012;3:479–483.
Reducing Conflict while Enhancing Democratic Governance in Eastern Africa: the Need for Dialogue in Kenya’s Political Set-up”, article in the OSSREA Bulletin. Journal of the Organization for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA). 2012;IX(3):05 - 17.
Relative Efficacy of Micronutrient Powders versus Iron—Folic Acid Tablets in Controlling Anemia in Women in the Second Trimester of Pregnancy. Food and nutrition bulletin. 2012;33:142–149.
Role of surgery in paediatric oncology. In: Paediatric Oncology Workshop. Eldoret, Kenya; 2012. p. .
Scope of Paediatric Surgery at Moi Teaching & Referral Hospital, Eldoret; Kenya. In: Association of Paediatric Surgeons’ symposium. Nairobi; 2012. p. .
Secondary Breakthrough. History and Government Form 2. Nairobi: Moran Publishers; 2012.
Secondary Breakthrough. History and Government Form 3. Nairobi: Moran Publishers; 2012.