Relationship between flooding and out break of infectious diseasesin Kenya: a review of the literature. Journal of environmental and public health. 2018;2018.
. Publications
Repositioning Africa in global knowledge production. The Lancet [Internet]. 2018;392:1163 - 1166. Website
Repositioning Africa in global knowledge production. Lancet 392. 2018:1163-1166.
Retrospective assessment of the quality of diabetes care in a rural diabetes clinic in Western Kenya. BMC endocrine disorders. 2018;18:97.
A Review of the Motorcycle Phenomenon on Levelihoods in Eldoret and Kakamega Municipalities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 2018;8:587–597.
Secondary School Students’ Perceptions of the Influence of Guidance and Counselling Services on Their Overall School Adjustment in Relation to School Type. . Journal of Education and Practice . 2018;Vol 9(Issue 24).
Security Concerns: Al_Shabab and Peace-Keeping in Africa. In: Peace Security and Developments in the 21st Century Africa: Theory and Practic. P G Okoth, FK Matanga, Kennedy Onkware (2018) (Eds). . Nairobi: Finesse Publishing Ltd.; 2018. p. .
Sensitivity and specificity of cryptococcal antigen lateral flow assay for the diagnosis of HIV-associated cryptococcal meningitis in western Kenya. East African Medical Journal. 2018;95.
The socio-cultural meanings of death from HIV / AIDS: its influence on the prevention of HIV / AIDS among the Abagusii of Kenya. Department of Sociology, Psychology & Anthropology. 2018.
Sonographic Findings in patients with lower limb swelling, seen at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital,Eldoret,Kenya. International Journal of Advanced Research. 2018;6:574–583.
Stability Analysis Of A Closed Motor-Gear-Alternator (Mga) System Using Nyquist Technique. Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research. 2018;24:22-31.
The status of teacher planning and its influence on Kiswahili language composition instruction in secondary schools in Kenya. International journal of innovative research and advanced studies (IJIRAS) [Internet]. 2018;5:35–40. Website
Strategies to improve postnatal care in Kenya: A qualitative study. International journal of Africa nursing sciences. 2018;9:62–67.
Stroke distribution patterns and characteristics in Kenya’s leading public health tertiary institutions: Kenyatta National Hospital and Moi teaching and referral hospital. Cardiovascular journal of Africa. 2018;29:68–72.
Stroke mortality in Kenya’s public tertiary hospitals: a prospective facility-based study. Cerebrovascular diseases extra. 2018;8:70–79.
Sustainable Implementation of Information Communication Technologies in Secondary Schools in Nairobi County, Kenya. In: Digital Technologies for Information and Knowledge Management. ; 2018. p. 199-205.
Teacher Preparedness For Implementation of E–Learning Programmes In Public Primary Schools In Kenya. International Journal of Education, Learning and Development . 2018;6(2):48-58.
Teachers’ Gender Influence on Adoption and Use of Information and Communication Technology in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology. 2018;4:236–243.
Teachers’ perception towards integration of indigenous knowledge in teaching of mathematical concepts in primary schools in Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research ( 2018;6(9):1-14.
Toward an online MPH degree in Kenya: Moi University’s path. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT. 2018;14.
Towards improving agricultural marketing information systems for smallholder farmers: a Tharaka Nithi case. Journal of Agriculture and Sustainability. 2018;11.
Trade creation and Trade Diversion in the COMESA: Evidence of Kenya’s import Flows in Food and Live Animals. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF). 2018;9(III):60-66.
Traditional and commercial alcohols and esophageal cancer risk in Kenya. International Journal of Cancer. 2018;144.
Training session for High Court Judges on Extractives and Community. Judiciary Training in Extractives in Kenya for High Court Judges. 2018.
UHAKIKI LINGANISHI WA MBINU ZA LUGHA KATIKA MKAGUZI MKUU WA SERIKALI NA MKAGUZI WA SERIKALI. Mara Research Journal of Kiswahili - ISSN 2520-0577 [Internet]. 2018;3:15–28. WebsiteAbstract