Stock Market Liquidity and Financial Distress Likelihood Among Listed Firms in Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies. 2019;1:28–38.
. Publications
Strategies for Improving Adult Education Participation in Kenya: A Case of Trans-nzoia East Sub-County. International Journal of Social Science and Economics Invention. 2019;5:96–to.
Students’ Perception of Their Participation in Decision Making In Secondary Schools: Implication on Discipline In Eldoret East Uasin Gishu County Kenya. International Journal of current Research . 2019;Vol.11( Issue 06):4723-4728.
Subcutaneous Metastasis of Cancer of the Endometrium: Case Report. . Oncol Case Report J. . 2019;2019; 2(1): (1008.).
Subversive Narratives as Strategies of Resistance: A Critical Analysis of Yvonne Vera’s Works. International Journal of Research and Scholarly Communication. 2019;2:1–30.
Taming Women in National Elective Leadership Positions-The case of Abagusii of Western Kenya. Elixir International Journal. 2019;129:53000-53004.
Is there value to sub-specialty training in sub-Saharan Africa?. Southern African Journal of Gynaecological Oncology. 2019;11(1):21-23.
Tourism and Hospitality Policy Strengths, Weaknesses and Effectiveness - Lessons for Malawi. International Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research. 2019;3:140–154.
Traffic Safety on Acadia National Park Roadways. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. 2019.
Transforming Society and Organizations through Research and Innovation. . In: 3rd International Multidisciplinary Research Conference. Grettsa University, Thika, Kenya; 2019. p. .
Treatment outcomes of distal tibia fractures among adult patients at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya. East African Orthopaedic Journal. 2019;13(2):50-56.
Understanding the Effect of Human Capital and Firm Performance in Kenya: A Panel Data Analysis. Nile Journal of Business and Economics. 2019;5(12):3-16.
Using ICT Infrastructure to Support Knowledge Transfer at the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat). Digital Technologies FoR Information. 2019:214.
Validating movement corridors for African elephants predicted from resistance-based landscape connectivity models. Landscape Ecology. 2019;34:865–878.
Why grassroots movements addressing displacement in Kenya continue to face challenges. INCLUDE platform [Internet]. 2019. Website
Acceptability of a pilot intervention of voluntary medical male circumcision and HIV education for street-connected youth in Western Kenya. J Adolesc Health. [Internet]. 2018. Website
Addressing the 3A's (availability, accountability, adherence) of supply chain systems in western Kenya. In: ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. Vol. 255. AMER CHEMICAL SOC 1155 16TH ST, NW, WASHINGTON, DC 20036 USA; 2018.