Task shifting and skin punch for the histologic diagnosis of Kaposi's sarcoma in sub-Saharan Africa: A public health solution to a public health problem. Oncology, 89, 60–65. Karger Publishers.
(2015). Publications
Technical efficiency of traditional African vegetable production: A case study of smallholders in Tanzania. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 7, 92–99. Academic Journals.
(2015). Theoretical bases influencing curriculum decision making in Early Childhood Education. Journal of Educational Policy and Entrepreneurial Research www.ztjournals.com, 2(12), 23-31. ISSN: 2408-770X (print); ISSN: 2408-6231 (online). Website
(2015). Towards a Better Understanding of Generation Y Employees at the Workplace for Organizational Cohesion and Success. International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research. ISSN 2351-8014, Vol. 13(Issue 1), 323-329.
(2015). Towards Gender Equity in Higher Enrolment: An Examination of Affirmative Action Policy in Kenyan Public University Admissions. European Journal of Social Sciences, 47(4), 337-343.
(2015). Trend, Business Cycles and Fibonacci retracements in the Kenya GDP data 2001 to 2011. In Kenya. In Kenya Open Data Moi University Academia Workshop. Eldoret: Kenya Open data.
(2015). Tuberculosis in pediatric antiretroviral therapy programs in low-and middle-income countries: diagnosis and screening practices. Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, 4, 30–38. Oxford University Press.
(2015). Underutilization of Social Health Insurance by Kenya’s Informal Sector Populations:Staid Voices. Jacobs Journal of Community Medicine.
(2015). Universities and Emerging careers: Its implication on training. Journal of Research & Method in Education (IOSR-JRME)JRM.
(2015). Urban agriculture and food security in developing countries: a case study of Eldoret municipality, Kenya. European Journal of Basic and Applied Science, 2.
(2015). Use of flow cytometry immunophenotyping for diagnosis of acute leukemia at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya. American Academic Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences, 13, 72–80.
(2015). Use of Flow Cytometry Immunophenotyping for Diagnosis of Acute Leukemia at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya. American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS), 13, 72–80.
. (2015).
Use of UTAUT model to assess ICT adoption in Kenyan Public Universities. Information and Knowledge Management, 5(12), 79-83.
(2015). Visual persuasion and behaviour change: A study of viewers’ responses to televised HIV/AIDS advertisements in Kenya. European Scientific Institute.
(2015). “We Hide Under the Scriptures”: Conceptualization of Health Among United Methodist Church Clergy in Kenya. Journal of religion and health, 54, 2235–2248. Springer.
(2015). Who Benefit from Secondary Education Busary Fund in Kenya?. International Journal of Education , 7(2), 337-349.
(2015). ‘Why did you not tell me?’: perspectives of caregivers and children on the social environment surrounding child HIV disclosure in Kenya. AIDS (London, England), 29, S47. NIH Public Access.
(2015). Why Housing Gap: Willingness or Eligibility to Mortgage Financing by Respondents in Uasin Gishu, Kenya?. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences (JETEMS), 6(4), 266-275.
(2015). Women education and economic development in Kenya: Implications for curriculum development and implementation processes. Journal of Education and Practice www.iiste.org, 4(22), 80-86. ISSN: 2222-1735 (print); ISSN: 2222-288X (online). Website
(2015). The worldwide end-of-life practice for patients in intensive care units study: adding Africa. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 192, 768–769. American Thoracic Society.
(2015). The 1969 OAU Convention and the continuing challenge for the African Union. Forced Migration Review. Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford.