The Influence of Exposure to Sexual content on Television on Sexual Behavior of the Youth in Technical Training Institutions in Kenya. Journal of New Media and Mass Communication-IISTE , 27.
(2014). Publications
The influence of HIV and AIDS psychosocial stressors prevalence: Implication on girl-child education in Kenya. African Journal of Education and Technology, 4(2), 44-54. 4(2), 44-54.
(2014). The influence of reciprocal interactions in the family on academic performance among secondary school students in Kenya. Journal of Arts and Humanities, 3, 41–50.
(2014). The influence of students’ attitude towards gender role stereotypes on their performance in mathematics and chemistry in secondary schools in Bomet District, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4, 252–262.
(2014). Influences on participant reporting in the World Health Organisation drugs exposure pregnancy registry; a qualitative study. BMC health services research, 14, 525. Springer.
(2014). An Investigation into the perceptions and preferences of birth positions in a Kenyan Referral Hospital. African Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 8(2), 82-89.
An investigation of factors that influence performance in KCSE biology in selected secondary schools in Nyakach District, Kisumu County, Kenya. Journal of Education and Human Development, 3, 957–977.
(2014). Investigation of moisture transportation properties of knitted fabrics made from viscose vortex spun yarns. Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics, 9, 155892501400900318. SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England.
(2014). Is it time for the Philosophy of ICT?. International Journal for Information Technology, 4(8), 299-303. international journal for information technology.
(2014). Journey into Madness and Other Poems. (p. 154pp). Eldoret: Utafiti Foundation.
(2014). Kenya’s Domestic Tourism: Motivation, Development and Trends. In In Rieucau, J. (ed). Beyond the safari. The third cycle of tourism revolution in Kenya.
(2014). Kenya's street children struggle to get accepted. Nairobi: Stand. Media Kenya.
(2014). Knowledge and Practice in the Management of Mental Patients at Mathari Hospital, Kenya in Relation to the Mental Health Act of 1989. International Journal of Research in Nursing, 1, 15–20.
(2014). Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices Related to Dengue among Caretakers of Elementary School Children in Chanthaburi Province, Thailand. International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health, 4(2), 123-135.
. (2014).
The Learner Friendly School Approach in Kenya: An Examination of the Role of Guidance and Counseling in Secondary Schools. International journal of Innovation Education and Research, 2(8).
(2014). Level of CD8 T Lymphocytes Activation in HIV-Infected Pregnant Women: In the Context of CD38 and HLA-DR Activation Markers. Interdisciplinary perspectives on infectious diseases, 2014. Hindawi.
(2014). Level of CD8 T lymphocytes activation in HIV-infected pregnant women: in the context of CD38 and HLA-DR activation markers. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases.