Application of Markov chains in Manufacturing Systems: A review. International journal of industrial engineering and operational research, 1-13. Website
(2021). Publications
Are the capabilities for renewable electrification in place?: A Kenyan firm-level survey. In Building Innovation Capabilities for Sustainable Industrialisation (p. 111–137). Routledge.
(2021). Are we there yet? 40 years of successes and challenges for children and adolescents living with HIV. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 24. Wiley-Blackwell.
(2021). Assessing American Head and Neck Society members' views of potential conflicts of interest among researchers and society leaders. Head & Neck. Wiley Online Library.
(2021). Association of Sinonasal Inflammation with functional brain connectivity. JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, 147, 534–543. American Medical Association.
(2021). Barriers to ART adherence among school students living with HIV in Kenya. African Journal of AIDS Research, 20, 232–237. Taylor & Francis.
(2021). Beta cell function, insulin resistance and vitamin D status among type 2 diabetes patients in Western Kenya. Scientific reports, 11, 1–12. Nature Publishing Group.
(2021). Beta cell function, insulin resistance and vitamin D status among type 2 diabetes patients in Western Kenya. Nature Scientific Reports , 11(1), 4084.
(2021). Blue ocean strategies as panacea to sustainable performance of tea firms in Kenya. African Journal of Business Management, 15, 59–69. Academic Journals.
(2021). Bringing sustainable agricultural intensification practices and technologies to scale through campaign-based extension approaches: lessons from Africa Soil Health Consortium. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 1–15. Taylor & Francis.
(2021). The Burden of Malnutrition among Children: A Case of Kisumu County. Africa Environmental Review Journal, 4, 82–93.
(2021). Can’t intubate can’t ventilate in severe Angioedema/Ludwig’s Angina at a Rural Tertiary Hospital: Case report. East African Medical Journal, 98, 4259–4262.
(2021). Career Mentoring and Employee Commitment in Manufacturing Firms in Kenya: The Moderating Effect of Rewards System. African Journal of Education, Science and Technology, 6, 11–22.
(2021). Changing Motivations for Woman-to-Woman Marriages among the Nandi of Kenya. East African Journal of Traditions, Culture and Religion, 4, 46–60.
(2021). Characteristics of esophageal cancer among symptomatic patients referred for endoscopy in Eldoret, Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 98, 4246–4252.
(2021). Chemotherapy and radiotherapy in locally advanced head and neck cancer: an individual patient data network meta-analysis. The Lancet Oncology, 22, 727–736. Elsevier.
(2021). Clinical management of Dens Evaginatus. The Endodontic Society of the Philippines journal, 14(1), 22-25.
(2021). Clinical Management of Dens Evaginatus - Case Report. Endodontic Society of the Philippines Journal, 14(1), 22-25.
(2021). Clinical signs of possible serious infection and associated mortality among young infants presenting at first-level health facilities. PloS one, 16, e0253110. Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA.
(2021). A closer look at 30 day hospital readmissions after head and neck cancer surgery. American Journal of Otolaryngology, 42, 103146. Elsevier.