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(2010). Role of food assistance in survival and adherence to clinic appointments and medication among HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Western Kenya. In XVIII International AIDS Conference, Vienna (p. 18–23).
(2010). The role of inter-religious education in fostering peace and development. In International Handbook of Inter-religious Education (p. 659–672). Springer.
(2010). The Role of Social Entrepreneurship in HIV/AIDS Management across the Education Sector in Kenya.. Journal of European Industrial Training- “HRD and Entrepreneurship in Africa, 3.
(2010). The role of social entrepreneurship in HIV/AIDS management across the education sector in Kenya. Journal of European Industrial Training, 34, 167–182. Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
(2010). The role of solvents in the lives of Kenyan street children: An ethnographic perspective. Afr J Drug Alcohol Stud, 9.
(2010). The role of solvents in the lives of Kenyan street children: an ethnographic perspective. African J Drug and Alcohol Studies, 9.
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(2010). School factors in burnout among teachers in Africa: Implications for prevention. International Journal of Research in Education, 2(3), 93 – 100.
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(2010). Shading by napier grass reduces malaria vector larvae in natural habitats in Western Kenya highlands. EcoHealth, 7, 485–497. Springer.
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(2010). Spectral Analysis of Four Term Differential Operator. Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 50, 15–35. Department of Mathematics, Kyungpook National University.
(2010). A survey of computed tomography imaging techniques and patient dose in Kenya. East african medical journal, 87.