Sickle Cell Disease and HIV: A Case Highlighting Management Challenges for Children in a Resource-Limited Setting. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, 20, 1–4.
(2013). Publications
The Social Sciences and Humanities in Africa: Which Way Forward?. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 3, 66. Citeseer.
(2013). Socio-economic link between poverty, environment and tourism around protected areas: A case study of communities adjacent to Ruma National Park, Kenya. African Journal of Tourism and Hospitality, 1, 1-13. presented at the 01.
(2013). Spectral theory of higher order difference operators. Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 19, 1983–2028. Taylor & Francis.
(2013). Steerage, slavery, and shipboard insurrections. The Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration. Blackwell Publishing Ltd Oxford, UK.
(2013). Strategic Speech Acts in the Discourse of Bargaining. Baraton Interdisciplinary Research Journal. Baraton University Press.
A systematic review of the application and utility of geographical information systems for exploring disease-disease relationships in paediatric global health research: the case of anaemia and malaria. International journal of health geographics, 12, 1. BioMed Central.
(2013). Taking Stock of the Ethical Foundations of International Health Research: Pragmatic Lessons from the IU–Moi Academic Research Ethics Partnership. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 28, 639–645. presented at the Sep. Website Abstract
(2013). The teaching of oral communication skills in the English curriculum in primary schools in Kenya. European Scientific Journal, 9(28), 167-177. ISSN:1857-7881 (Print); ISSN: 1857-7431 (online).
(2013). Think this Way: How Zimbabweans Adopt, Hold and Express their Political Ideologies. Oxford Human Rights Hub.
. (2013). Tourism Development in Developing Countries. A Case Study of Mombasa Resort in Kenya. In In Akama, J. S. eds. TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN KENYA: Critical issues, challenges and alternatives in the new millennium (p. 223-232). Nairobi: East African Educational Publishers Ltd. .
(2013). Tourist Expenditures and its Implication on Tourism Enterprises. A Focus on the Kenyan Coast. Eldoret: Utafiti Foundation.
(2013). Tuberculosis in antiretroviral treatment programs in lower income countries: availability and use of diagnostics and screening. PloS one, 8, e77697. Public Library of Science San Francisco, USA.
(2013). Understanding research. A Simplified Form. Utafiti Foundation. Eldoret, Kenya.
(2013). Understanding research: A simplified form. Eldoret: Utafiti foundation.
(2013). University medical students’ attitude towards sports participation: The place of sports in counselling. Saarbrucken, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.