Entrepreneurial Education and Self-employment: Does Entrepreneurial Self-efficacy Matter?. SEISENSE Business Review, 1, 18–30.
(2021). Publications
Entrepreneurial training and entrepreneurial intentions: A mediated mediation analysis of entrepreneurial self-efficacy and attitude of undergraduate finalists in Uganda. SEISENSE Journal of Management, 4, 73–84.
(2021). Entrepreneurship education and self-employment intentions: A conditional effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy evidence from a developing country. Cogent Business & Management, 8, 1938348. Taylor & Francis.
(2021). Environmental Damage Theory Applicable to Kenya. Asian Journal of Business Environment, 11, 39–50. Korea Distribution Science Association.
(2021). Exclusively endoscopic endonasal resection of benign orbital tumors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. In International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology (Vol. 11, p. 924–934). Wiley Online Library.
(2021). Existentential Interrogation of 8-4-4 System Of Education. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 8, 1-7. presented at the 06.
(2021). Exposure to diverse Plasmodium falciparum genotypes shapes the risk of symptomatic malaria in incident and persistent infections: a longitudinal molecular epidemiologic study in Kenya. Clinical Infectious Diseases, 73, 1176–1184. Oxford University Press US.
Factors Associated with the Utilisation and Unmet Need for Modern Contraceptives among Urban Women in Kenya: A Cross-Sectional Study. . Frontiers in Global Women’s Health.
(2021). Farm scale as a driver of agricultural development in the Kenyan Rift Valley. Agricultural Systems, 186, 102943. Elsevier.
(2021). First-line antiretroviral treatment failure in East African children. East African medical journal, 98, 4082. NIH Public Access.
(2021). Foundation of African Heritage: The Kalenjin People. Eldoret – Kenya: Rosab Printers.
(2021). From Cattle Herders to Cash Earners: The Emergence of a Migrant Wage Labour Class and Its Impact on Livestock Economy among the Akamba of Machakos, Kenya, 1895-1963. International Journal of History and Philosophical Research, 9, 1–25.
(2021). Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women and Girls. AFRICA HABITAT REVIEW, 13–21.
(2021). Genetic dissection of Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. resistance via genome-wide association and genomic prediction in tropical maize germplasm. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 134, 941–958. Springer.
(2021). Genetic structure correlates with ethnolinguistic diversity in eastern and southern Africa. bioRxiv. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Website Abstract
(2021). Global analysis of an environmental and death transmission model for Ebola outbreak with perturbation. Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics,.
. (2021). Graduate students’ perspectives on challenges encountered in research work in higher education: The Kenya experience. Journal of Scientific Research and Reports www.sciencedomain.org, 27(7), 45-52.
(2021). Higher Clinician-Patient Communication Is Associated With Greater Satisfaction With HIV Care. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC), 20, 23259582211054935. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
(2021). HIV-related knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and experiences of Kenyan adolescents living with HIV revealed in WhatsApp group chats. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC), 20, 2325958221999579. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.