Management of Ambulance services at Eldama Ravine Subcounty Hospital, Baringo County , Kenya. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences, 20, 58–61. IOSR-JDMS.
(2021). Publications
Manufacturing Lot Size Optimization Under Demand Uncertainty: A Stochastic Goal Programming Approach. International Journal of Academic Engineering Research (IJAER), 45-55.
(2021). Maternal and perinatal outcomes in women with eclampsia by mode of delivery at Riley mother baby hospital: a longitudinal case-series study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth , 21(439), 1-14.
(2021). Maternal and perinatal outcomes in women with eclampsia by mode of delivery at Riley mother baby hospital: a longitudinal case-series study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 21, 1–14. BioMed Central.
Mental disorders among health care workers at the early phase of COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya; findings of an online descriptive survey. Frontiers in psychiatry, 1212. Frontiers.
(2021). Modelling of Survival Time Among Adult HIV/AIDS Patients Under Antiretroviral Therapy in Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital in Kenya. International Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications, 7, 35. Science Publishing Group.
(2021). Moderating Effect of Board capital on Firm Leverage and Financial Performance of Firms listed at Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya. Journal of Business Management and Economic Research, 5(1), 1-10.
(2021). Moderating Effect of Political Instability on ICT and Economic Growth Nexus in Kenya: ARDL Bound-Co-Integration Approach. Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies, 4(10), 1866-1879.
(2021). Neonatal hypothermia and adherence to World Health Organisation thermal care guidelines among newborns at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Kenya. PloS one, 16, e0248838. Public Library of Science San Francisco, CA USA.
(2021). Numerical Analysis of Crimping Behaviour of Triaxial Braided Structures. Journal of Industrial Textiles, 6484S–6502S. Website
(2021). Overweight and Obesity Among Moi University Nairobi Campus Undergraduate Students, Kenya. Journal of Health Education Researcg and Development.
(2021). Oviposition behavior of Telenomus busseolae, Telenomus isis and Trichogramma bournieri on eggs of east African cereal stemborers. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 41, 157–168. Springer.
(2021). Patterns of computed tomography scan findings in patients with suprahyoid neck masses at the Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital. Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.
(2021). Pay-as-you-go liquefied petroleum gas supports sustainable clean cooking in Kenyan informal urban settlement during COVID-19 lockdown. Applied energy, 292, 116769. Elsevier.
(2021). Perspectives of education sector stakeholders on a teacher training module to reduce HIV/AIDS stigma in Western Kenya. BMC public health, 21, 1–10. Springer.
(2021). The Place of Livestock in the Social, Political and Economic Organization of the Akamba of Machakos during the Pre-Colonial Period. International Journal of History and Cultural Studies (IJHCS), 7(2), 39-48.