Hydatid disease of the spine: case report. East African medical journal. 2002;79:165–166.
. Publications
IDEOLOGY FOR THE LIBERATION OF WOMEN OF KENYA. Critical Gender Discourse in Africa. 2002;1:92.
Kunyenga, ``real sex'', and survival: assessing the risk of HIV infection among urban street boys in Tanzania. Med Anthr Q [Internet]. 2002;16. Website
Kunyenga, ``Real Sex,'' and Survival: assessing the risk of HIV infection among urban street boys in Tanzania. Med Anthropol Q [Internet]. 2002;16. Website
Kunyenga, ``real sex,'' and survival: assessing the risk of HIV infection among urban street boys in Tanzania. Med Anthropol Q [Internet]. 2002;16. Website
Linguistic effects of English on ethnic languages: the case of Kenya. In: XV World Sociological Congress meeting. Brisbane, Australia; 2002. p. .
Mechanical behaviour and ballistic impact response of hemp and flax fabric polypropylene composites. In: Proc. 23rd Risö International Symposium on Materials Science. Risö National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark 2002; 2002. p. 357–365.
Model calculations of vertical cavity air-gap filters and VCSELs for ultra-wide continuous tuning. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland. ; 2002. p. 36–7.
Molecular markers in epidemiological monitoring of the spread of resistance to antimalarials: a review. East African medical journal. 2002;79:480–484.
The Novel and the Politics of Nation Building in East Africa. World Literature Today. 2002;76:122.
A novel low-cost and simple fabrication technology for tunable dielectric active and passive optical air-gap devices. Proceedings of Photonic Fabrication Europe, Brugge Belgium. 2002;4945:9–20.
A novel low-cost tunable dielectric air-gap filter. In: Optical MEMs, 2002. Conference Digest. 2002 IEEE/LEOS International Conference on. IEEE; 2002. p. 175–176.
Objective: To determine the pattern of surgically managed peptic ulcer disease. Design: A retrospective study. East African Medical Journal. 2002;79.
Prevalence of gonococcal and chlamydial infections and sexual risk behavior among youth in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Sex Transm Dis. [Internet]. 2002;29. Website
Reforming Kenya's company law: lessons from other countries. East African Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2002;1:71–81.
Surgical management of peptic ulcer disease. East African medical journal. 2002;79:454–456.
Trilingual Codeswitching in Kenya-Evidence from Ekegusii. Kiswahili, English and Sheng: Dissertation zur Erlangung der Wurde des Doktors der Philosophie der Universitat Hamburg. 2002.
The understanding and performance of basic Mathematical concepts in both seeing and children who are blind. Special Needs Education (SNE). 2002.
Use of wireless technology and other forms of ICTs in bridging the digital divide in the communication of agricultural information in Sub-Saharan Africa. TJD Bothma & A Kaniki. 2002:347–368.