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Environmental Impact Assessment of a Booming Macro and Micro Enterprises (MME'S): Mitigating Strategies in Terms of Technology and Management in Eldoret Kenya. Proceedings of the Third International Congress SITHOK-3 Maribor Slovenia. 1998:45-54.
Epidemiological aspects of Fournier's gangrene at Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi. East African medical journal. 1998;75(10):586-589.
Excess effective Debye temperature of binary mixtures of nonelectrolytes. Indian journal of pure & applied physics. 1998;36:26–32.
Hypobiosis of Haemonchus contortus in natural infections of sheep and goats in a semi-arid area of Kenya. Veterinary Parasitology [Internet]. 1998;77:49 - 61. WebsiteAbstract
Improvement of indigenous poultry production in Sub-Saharan Africa. A paper presented at the International Course on Intensive Poultry Production held at the Centre for International Agricultural Development Co-operation (CINADCO) Kibbutz Shefayim. 1998;4.
Improvements of indigenous poultry production in Sub-Sahara Africa: International Course on Intensive Poultry Production, Centre for International Agricultural Development Co-Operation (CINADCO). Centre for International Agricultural Development Co-Operation (CINADCO), Tel Aviv, Israel. 1998:86.
Influence of Production Circumstances and Economic Evaluation Criteria on Economic Comparison of Breeds and Breed Crosses. Journal of Dairy ScienceJournal of Dairy Science [Internet]. 1998;81(8):2271 - 2279. WebsiteAbstract
Influence of production circumstances and economic evaluation criteria on economic comparison of breeds and breed crosses. Journal of Dairy Science. 1998;81:2271–2279.
Influence of Production Circumstances and Economic Evaluation Criteria on Economic Comparison of Breeds and Breed Crosses. Journal of Dairy ScienceJournal of Dairy Science [Internet]. 1998;81:2271 - 2279. WebsiteAbstract
Management of Fournier's gangrene at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Nairobi. East African medical journal. 1998;75(6):370-373.
An overview of recent library and information developments in East Africa. Library management. 1998.
Potential Sci. 77, 2415–2427. benefit and implementation of nucleus breeding scheme for Talbott, CW, 1994. Potential to increase milk yield efficiency in milk production from crossbred cattle in Kenya. In: Conference tropical countries. Ph. D. Thesis, North Carolina State Universiheld on. ; 1998. p. 27–30.
The Spectre of Famines and Food crisis in Africa. Nation Newspaper. 1998.
vital statistics of Florida dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 1998;69:470–476.
Effects of three nematode anthelmintic treatment regimes on flock performance of sheep and goats under extensive management in semi-arid Kenya. Veterinary Parasitology [Internet]. 1997;68:323 - 336. WebsiteAbstract
Ethnicity and otherness in Kenya cultures. In: Ethnicity, Nationalism and Democracy in Africa. Kisumu: Maseno University College; 1997. p. 51–56.
Interferon gamma induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in a model of ovarian cancer: enhancement of effect by batimastat. European Journal of Cancer. 1997;33:1114–1121.