
Musotsi, P. Y., Otieno, C. A., & Njoroge, S. M. (2017). Prevalence of Fasciolosis in Cattle, Sheep, and Goats Slaughtered in Slaughter Slabs in Trans-Nzoia West, Kenya. and Knowledge of Livestock Handlers. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, 7(6), 34-43. Abstract

Background: Fasciolosis is known globally to be an important helminthic disease of ruminants caused by liver
fluke species of the genus Fasciola, and it is one of the most neglected tropical zoonotic diseases that can lead to
human infection. It has the widest geographic spread of any emerging zoonotic disease, and it occurs in many
countries of the world. Objectives: The study aimed at determining the prevalence of fasciolosis in ruminants
slaughtered in Trans-Nzoia West. Specific objectives were to establish the trend of fasciolosis in ruminants,
ascertain the relationship between fasciolosis prevalence and rainfall patterns and assess the knowledge of meat
sellers and farmers about fasciolosis. Methodology: A 5-year secondary data retrospective study was carried out
in Trans-Nzoia West, Trans-Nzoia County. The study population consisted of ruminants slaughtered, meat
sellers and livestock farmers.Results: A total of 104,221 cattle, sheep and goats were slaughtered in the five-year
period in which 6,098 (5.85%) were infested with fasciolosis with a prevalence of 6.52%, 6.08% and 4.1 0% in
cattle, sheep, and goats respectively. Most meat sellers (72.2%) were able to identify fasciolosis in infested livers,
88.9% reported liver flukes infestation resulted in the loss of income while 58.3% were not aware of nutrition
depletion associated with fasciolosis. Of the farmers interviewed, 52.9% grazed in swampy areas, 66.7%
dewormed after 3 months, 78.4% had heard about fasciolosis and 80.0% did not know the cause of fasciolosis.
The majority (95.0%) were not aware of the snail species spreading liver flukes while 77.5% did not know that
fasciolosis was a zoonotic disease.Conclusion: Fasciolosis was prevalent in the area and caused great economic
loss to the meat sellers. Most farmers were not aware of its cause and zoonotic nature. Recommendations:
Fasciolosis control should be approached from a multidisciplinary angle and farmers should be educated on it
and its zoonotic nature.

Background: Fasciolosis is known globally to be an important helminthic disease of ruminants caused by liver
fluke species of the genus Fasciola, and it is one of the most neglected tropical zoonotic diseases that can lead to
human infection. It has the widest geographic spread of any emerging zoonotic disease, and it occurs in many
countries of the world. Objectives: The study aimed at determining the prevalence of fasciolosis in ruminants
slaughtered in Trans-Nzoia West. Specific objectives were to establish the trend of fasciolosis in ruminants,
ascertain the relationship between fasciolosis prevalence and rainfall patterns and assess the knowledge of meat
sellers and farmers about fasciolosis. Methodology: A 5-year secondary data retrospective study was carried out
in Trans-Nzoia West, Trans-Nzoia County. The study population consisted of ruminants slaughtered, meat
sellers and livestock farmers.Results: A total of 104,221 cattle, sheep and goats were slaughtered in the five-year
period in which 6,098 (5.85%) were infested with fasciolosis with a prevalence of 6.52%, 6.08% and 4.1 0% in
cattle, sheep, and goats respectively. Most meat sellers (72.2%) were able to identify fasciolosis in infested livers,
88.9% reported liver flukes infestation resulted in the loss of income while 58.3% were not aware of nutrition
depletion associated with fasciolosis. Of the farmers interviewed, 52.9% grazed in swampy areas, 66.7%
dewormed after 3 months, 78.4% had heard about fasciolosis and 80.0% did not know the cause of fasciolosis.
The majority (95.0%) were not aware of the snail species spreading liver flukes while 77.5% did not know that
fasciolosis was a zoonotic disease.Conclusion: Fasciolosis was prevalent in the area and caused great economic
loss to the meat sellers. Most farmers were not aware of its cause and zoonotic nature. Recommendations:
Fasciolosis control should be approached from a multidisciplinary angle and farmers should be educated on it
and its zoonotic nature.

Kwobah, E., Epstein, S., Mwangi, A., Litzelman, D., & Atwoli, L. (2017). {PREVALENCE of psychiatric morbidity in a community sample in Western Kenya}. BMC Psychiatry, 17. Abstract
© 2017 The Author(s). Background: About 25{%} of the worldwide population suffers from mental, neurological and substance use disorders but unfortunately, up to 75{%} of affected persons do not have access to the treatment they need. Data on the magnitude of the mental health problem in Kenya is scarce. The objectives of this study were to establish the prevalence and the socio-demographic factors associated with mental and substance use disorders in Kosirai division, Nandi County, Western Kenya. Methods: This was a cross sectional descriptive study in which participants were selected by simple random sampling. The sampling frame was obtained from a data base of the population in the study area developed during door-to-door testing and counseling exercises for HIV/AIDS. Four hundred and twenty consenting adults were interviewed by psychologists using the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview Version 7 for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5th Edition and a researcher-designed social demographic questionnaire. Results: One hundred and ninety one (45{%}) of the participants had a lifetime diagnosis of at least one of the mental disorders. Of these, 66 (15.7{%}) had anxiety disorder, 53 (12.3{%}) had major depressive disorder; 49 (11.7{%}) had alcohol and substance use disorder. 32 (7.6{%}) had experienced a psychotic episode and 69 (16.4{%}) had a life-time suicidal attempt. Only 7 (1.7{%}) had ever been diagnosed with a mental illness. Having a mental condition was associated with age less than 60 years and having a medical condition. Conclusion: A large proportion of the community has had a mental disorder in their lifetime and most of these conditions are undiagnosed and therefore not treated. These findings indicate a need for strategies that will promote diagnosis and treatment of community members with psychiatric disorders. In order to screen more people for mental illness, we recommend further research to evaluate a strategy similar to the home based counseling and testing for HIV and the use of simple screening tools.
