Emotional Intelligence and Leadership–A Case for Quality Assurance Managers in Kenyan Universities. In Emotional Intelligence-New Perspectives and Applications. InTech.
(2012). Publications
Empowering rural women in Kenya to alleviate poverty through provision of information: the case of Vihiga District in Western Province. In Information for Sustainable Development in a Digital Environment Conference (p. 31–37). Kenya Library Association Nairobi.
(2012). Empowering women to alleviate poverty through provision of information (p. 364). Saarbrucken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr Muller Gmbh & Co..KG.
(2012). Environmental impacts of tourism in protected areas. Journal of Environment and Earth Science, 2, 64–73. International Institute for Science, Technology & Education (IISTE).
. (2012). Ethical issues in a stage 1 cognitive-behavioral therapy feasibility study and trial to reduce alcohol use among HIV-infected outpatients in western Kenya. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 7, 29–37. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
(2012). Evaluation of alternative selection objectives and schemes for optimization of village goat improvement programs. Livestock Research for Rural Development, 24.
(2012). Evaluation of Counseling Programmes: A Focus on Public Universities in Kenya. Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing.
(2012). Extent of adoption of Quality Management Systems in the hospitality and catering industry: a study of selected establishments in Nairobi. Food Science and Quality Management, 9. Citeseer.
(2012). Extent of Adoption of Quality Management Systems in the Hospitality and Catering Industry: A Study of Selected Establishments in Nairobi.. Implementations The Qms In Airline Industry.
Factors associated with first-line antiretroviral therapy failure amongst HIV-Infected African patients: A Case-control study. World Journal of AIDS, 2, 271. Scientific Research Publishing.
(2012). Factors contributing to drug abuse among the youth in Kenya: A Case of Bamburi Location. Elixir International Journal, 46, 8259–8267.
(2012). Factors Contributing To Drug Abuse among the Youth in Kenya: A Case of Bamburi Location. Elixir International.
(2012). Factors influencing domestic tourism for urban and semiurban populations around Nairobi National Park, Kenya. Tourism analysis, 17, 79–89. Cognizant Communication Corporation.
(2012). Factors influencing self initiated staff training among middle level staff in Moi university - Kenya. International Journal of Current Research, 4(2), 299-303.
Factors that affect the Outcome of Outside Catering in Kenya. Food Science and Quality Management, 9, 8–16.
(2012). Factors that affect the Outcome of Outside Catering in Kenya. Food Science and Quality Management, 9, 8–16.
(2012). Factors that influence career choice of hospitality students in Moi University, Kenya. Journal of Education and Practice, 3, 83–90.
(2012). A food based intervention for drug-na{\"ıve HIV+ women living in Turbo, Kenya. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
(2012). A food based intervention for drug-na{\"ıve HIV+ women living in Turbo, Kenya. Wiley Online Library.