Brewery wastewater treatment in a fluidised bed bioreactor. Journal of hazardous materials. 2002;90:311–321.
. Publications
Clients of female sex workers in Nyanza province, Kenya: a core group in STD/HIV transmission. Sexually transmitted diseases. 2002;29:444–452.
Continuously tunable air-gap micro-cavity devices for optical communication systems. In: Proceedings of the SPIE ITCom 2002. Vol. 4871. ; 2002. p. 145–59.
Educational publishing in African languages, with a focus on Swahili in Kenya. Nordic Journal of African Studies. 2002;11:18–18.
Enjeux et perspectives dans l’enseignement du Français Langue Etrangère à Moi University (Kenya). UFR de Franche-comté. 2002.
Ethical considerations for research and treatment with runaway and homeless adolescents. J Psychol [Internet]. 2002;136. Website
Ethics in international health research: A perspective from the developing world. Bull World Health Organ. 2002;80.
The ethics of paying for children's participation in research. J Pediatr [Internet]. 2002;141. Website
Hemp Fabric Reinforced Polypropylene Composites: An Investigation of the Mechanical Properties. In: 10th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-10), Brugge, Belgium, June 3rd – 7th 2002. ; 2002.
Hydatid disease of the spine: case report. East African medical journal. 2002;79:165–166.
IDEOLOGY FOR THE LIBERATION OF WOMEN OF KENYA. Critical Gender Discourse in Africa. 2002;1:92.
Kunyenga, ``Real Sex,'' and Survival: assessing the risk of HIV infection among urban street boys in Tanzania. Med Anthropol Q [Internet]. 2002;16. Website
Kunyenga, ``real sex,'' and survival: assessing the risk of HIV infection among urban street boys in Tanzania. Med Anthropol Q [Internet]. 2002;16. Website
Kunyenga, ``real sex'', and survival: assessing the risk of HIV infection among urban street boys in Tanzania. Med Anthr Q [Internet]. 2002;16. Website
Linguistic effects of English on ethnic languages: the case of Kenya. In: XV World Sociological Congress meeting. Brisbane, Australia; 2002. p. .
Mechanical behaviour and ballistic impact response of hemp and flax fabric polypropylene composites. In: Proc. 23rd Risö International Symposium on Materials Science. Risö National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark 2002; 2002. p. 357–365.
Model calculations of vertical cavity air-gap filters and VCSELs for ultra-wide continuous tuning. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zürich, Switzerland. ; 2002. p. 36–7.
Molecular markers in epidemiological monitoring of the spread of resistance to antimalarials: a review. East African medical journal. 2002;79:480–484.
The Novel and the Politics of Nation Building in East Africa. World Literature Today. 2002;76:122.
A novel low-cost and simple fabrication technology for tunable dielectric active and passive optical air-gap devices. Proceedings of Photonic Fabrication Europe, Brugge Belgium. 2002;4945:9–20.
A novel low-cost tunable dielectric air-gap filter. In: Optical MEMs, 2002. Conference Digest. 2002 IEEE/LEOS International Conference on. IEEE; 2002. p. 175–176.
Objective: To determine the pattern of surgically managed peptic ulcer disease. Design: A retrospective study. East African Medical Journal. 2002;79.
Prevalence of gonococcal and chlamydial infections and sexual risk behavior among youth in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Sex Transm Dis. [Internet]. 2002;29. Website
Reforming Kenya's company law: lessons from other countries. East African Journal of International and Comparative Law. 2002;1:71–81.