
Kibet Too Philemon KKK. Carbon dioxide gas sensing, capture, and storage potential of calcium oxide surface and single walled carbon nanotube: insights from ab initio simulation. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 2020;32(24):245901.Abstract

Single walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) and alkaline metal oxide have been identified as potential materials for management of CO2 emission. Yet the underlying operating mechanism is still not well understood, while an in-depth understanding would possibly lead to development of superior CO2 monitoring, capture, and storage devices. Here we present ab initio density functional theory calculations to provide a comprehensive description of CO2 gas interaction with SWCNT and CaO surface. In particular, our results revealed that CO2 is chemisorbed on CaO surface with negligible effect on electronic properties of the absorbent, while CO2 interaction with SWCNT can be categorized as physisorption interaction a process that can be easily reversed using thermal treating of the tube at 150 °C. Thus CaO is found to be ideal for long term storage of CO2 while SWCNT reported superior performance in CO2 sensing and capture. This work may guide the development of better devices based on CaO and SWCNT for CO2 sensing, capture, and storage.

Lusambili AM, Naanyu V, Wade TJ, Mossman L, Mantel M, Pell R, Ngetich A, Mulama K, Nyaga L, Obure J. Deliver on Your Own: Disrespectful Maternity Care in rural Kenya. PloS one [Internet]. 2020;15(1):e0214836 - e0214836. WebsiteAbstract
BACKGROUND: Under the Free Maternity Policy (FMP), Kenya has witnessed an increase in health facility deliveries rather than home deliveries with Traditional Birth Attendants (TBA) resulting in improved maternal and neonatal outcomes. Despite these gains, maternal and infant mortality and morbidity rates in Kenya remain unacceptably high indicating that more needs to be done. AIM: Using data from the Access to Quality Care through Extending and Strengthening Health Systems (AQCESS) project's qualitative gender assessment, this paper examines women's experience of disrespectful care during pregnancy, labour, and delivery. The goal is to promote an improved understanding of the actual care conditions to inform the development of interventions that can lift the standard of care, increase maternity facility use, and improve health outcomes for both women and newborns. METHODOLOGY: We conducted sixteen focus group discussions (FGDs), two each for adolescent females, adult females, adult males, and community health committee members. As well, twenty-four key Informants interviews (KII) were also conducted including religious leaders, and persons from local government representatives, Ministry of Health (MOH), and local women's organizations. Data were captured through audio recordings and reflective field notes. RESEARCH SITE: Kisii and Kilifi Counties in Kenya. FINDINGS: Findings show nursing and medical care during labour and delivery were at times disrespectful, humiliating, uncompassionate, neglectful, or abusive. In both counties, male health workers were preferred by women giving birth, as they were perceived as more friendly and sensitive. Adolescent females were more likely to report abuse during maternity care while women with disabled children reported being stigmatized. Structural barriers related to transportation and available resources at facilities associated with disrespectful care were identified. CONCLUSIONS: A focus on quality and compassionate care as well as more facility resources will lead to increased, successful, and sustainable use of facility care. Interpreting these results within a systems perspective, Kenya needs to implement, enforce, and monitor quality of care guidelines for pregnancy and delivery including respectful maternity care of pregnant women. To ensure these procedures are enforced, measurable benchmarks for maternity care need to be established, and hospitals need to be regularly monitored to ensure these benchmarks are achieved.
