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(2013). The role of Age in Attitude Formation towardscGender Role Stereotypes among Secondary school Students, A case of Bomet District,Kenya.. Journal of Emerging Trends in Education Research and Policy Studies. (JETERAPS), 5(1), 76-80.
(2013). The Role of the Language of Mathematics in Students’ Understanding of Number Concepts in Eldoret Municipality, Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science.
(2013). Role of the Sponsor in Public Secondary School Administration and Management in Kenya: A Case Study of Kakamega County, Kenya. Journal of African Studies in Educational Management and Leadership, 2, 54–62.
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(2013). Sickle Cell Disease and HIV: A Case Highlighting Management Challenges for Children in a Resource-Limited Setting. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, 20, 1–4.