Bio-based structural composite materials for aerospace applications. In . South African International Aerospace Symposium.
(2008). Publications
Blast testing of natural fibre and hybrid composites. In 29th International Conference SAMPE EUROPE, Hotel Mercure, Porte de Versailles “EXPO”, Paris, France, 31st March to 2nd April, 2008.
(2008). Book review: EDDIE WILLIAMS, Bridges and Barriers—Language in African Education and Development. Manchester, UK, and Kinderhook, New York: St. Jerome Publishing, 2006. Xix+ 257 pp. ISBN 1900650975 (pbk). Discourse & Society, 19, 549–554. Sage Publications Sage UK: London, England.
(2008). Causes of delay in diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients attending a referral hospital in Western Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 85, 263–268. Kenya Medical Association.
(2008). Causes of delay in diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in patients attending a referral hospital in Western Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 85, 263–268.
(2008). The challenges of orphan fosterage in the era of HIV/AIDS in North Rift region, Kenya. In HIV/AIDS Challenge in Africa, an impact and response assessment: The Case of Kenya (p. 148-189). Addis Ababa: OSSREA.
Conflict Resolution: The Role of Information and Knowledge Management. (2008). Conflict Resolution: The Role of Information and Knowledge Management. ( ). Nairobi: Kenya Library Association and Goethe-Institut.
Conflict Resolution: The Role of Information and Knowledge Management: the Kenyan Experience. Kenya Library Association.
(2008). Developing a mechanism to measure the absorption of bacterially-synthesized folate across the colon: Testing of caplets with a pH-sensitive coating designed for colon targeting. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
Felt stigma among people living with HIV/AIDS in rural and urban Kenya. African health sciences, 8. Makerere University Medical School (Uganda).
(2008). Growth and Body Composition of Human Milk-Fed Premature Infants Provided with Extra Energy and Nutrients Early after Hospital Discharge: One Year Follow-up. Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.
(2008). HIV Infection and Nutrition Status: The Importance of Food in Disease Management. Global Livestock CRSP, UC Davis.
(2008). HIV/AIDS and cultural practices in western Kenya: the impact of sexual cleansing rituals on sexual behaviours. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 10, 587-599. Taylor & Francis. Website Abstract
(2008). HIV/AIDS Education: An Entrepreneurial Approach to Impact Mitigation.. A Journal of the School of Education., II, 1-26. Moi University.
Impact of the 1990 European Union Directive on Package Travel on Travel and Hospitality Sectors of Tourism in Developing World. ISSN 1993-2553. The Moi University Law Journal, 1.
(2008). Imperial trusteeship and the making of the labour controversy in the East Africa Protectorate, 1901-1915. Egerton Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, 7, 78–97.