A systematic review of interventions to reduce HIV-related stigma among primary and secondary school teachers. AIDS care, 34, 1–6. Taylor & Francis.
(2022). Publications
Teachers’ commonly held cognition on use of instructional media in English language pedagogy in secondary schools in Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research www.ijern.com, 10(4).
(2022). Telling the story of intersectional stigma in HIV-associated Kaposi's sarcoma in western Kenya: a convergent mixed-methods approach. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 25, e25918.
(2022). Thinking about Constitutional Developments in Kenya in 2021. African Network of Constitutional Lawyers Blog.
(2022). Treatment outcomes of esophageal cancer in Eastern Africa: protocol of a multi-center, prospective, observational, open cohort study. BMC cancer, 22, 1–13. BioMed Central.
(2022). Turning Doctoral Research Supervision into a Partnership: Towards Promoting Quality Research in African Context. Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies, 2, 84–93.
(2022). A type III effectiveness-implementation hybrid evaluation of a multicomponent patient navigation strategy for advanced-stage Kaposi’s sarcoma: protocol. Implementation Science Communications, 3, 1–15. BioMed Central.
(2022). Unsuccessful closed surgical exposure of an impacted maxillary canine managed by open surgical exposure. Kenya Dental Association, 12(2), 946-951.
(2022). Unsuccessful closed surgical exposure of an impacted maxillary canine managed by open surgical exposure - Case Report. Kenya Dental Association Journal, 12(2), 946-951.
(2022). “Who am I going to stay with? Who will accept me?”: family-level domains influencing HIV care engagement among disengaged adolescents in Kenya. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 25, e25890. Wiley Online Library.
(2022). Will the Sarrai mogul flame Mumias? The Mumias Leases and Revival saga. The American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (THE AJHSSR), 5(1).
(2022). Accessibility and utilization of information communication technology infrastructure on teaching and learning of engineering courses in polytechnics in Kenya. European Journal of Research and Reflection in Educational Sciences www.idpublications.org, 9(1), 57-64.
(2021). Analysis of registered Radiological Equipment in Kenya. Pan African Medical Journal, 40, 205. Haraka Publishing Platform.
(2021). Application of Markov chains in Manufacturing Systems: A review. International journal of industrial engineering and operational research, 1-13. Website
(2021). Are we there yet? 40 years of successes and challenges for children and adolescents living with HIV. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 24. Wiley-Blackwell.
(2021). Barriers to ART adherence among school students living with HIV in Kenya. African Journal of AIDS Research, 20, 232–237. Taylor & Francis.
(2021). Beta cell function, insulin resistance and vitamin D status among type 2 diabetes patients in Western Kenya. Nature Scientific Reports , 11(1), 4084.
(2021). Beta cell function, insulin resistance and vitamin D status among type 2 diabetes patients in Western Kenya. Scientific reports, 11, 1–12. Nature Publishing Group.
(2021). Blue ocean strategies as panacea to sustainable performance of tea firms in Kenya. African Journal of Business Management, 15, 59–69. Academic Journals.
(2021). Characteristics of esophageal cancer among symptomatic patients referred for endoscopy in Eldoret, Kenya. East African Medical Journal, 98, 4246–4252.