Traffic Safety on Acadia National Park Roadways. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration.
(2019). Publications
Transformer mineral oil ingestion induces systemic sub-acute toxicity in Wistar rats. Heliyon, 5. Elsevier.
(2019). Transforming Society and Organizations through Research and Innovation. . In 3rd International Multidisciplinary Research Conference. presented at the 7th-8th October, Grettsa University, Thika, Kenya.
(2019). Transient abducens nerve palsy after sphenopalatine block following endoscopic sinus surgery. JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, 145, 871–873. American Medical Association.
(2019). Treatment outcomes of distal tibia fractures among adult patients at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya. East African Orthopaedic Journal, 13(2), 50-56.
(2019). Trends of antenatal care during pregnancy in low-and middle-income countries: Findings from the global network maternal and newborn health registry. In Seminars in perinatology (Vol. 43, p. 297–307). WB Saunders.
(2019). Typologies and Multidimensional Nature of Computer Use for Classroom Instruction in Secondary Education. International Journal of Educational Technology and Learning, 6, 1–10. Scientific Publishing Institute.
. (2019). Ultrasonographic characteristics of anterior neck lumps in patients presenting with Neck mass at MTRH. Moi University, Eldoret, Kenya.
(2019). Understanding Knowledge Management and Employee Performance . In , Advancing African Knowledge Management and Education. Charlotte, Information Age Publishing.
(2019). Understanding the Effect of Human Capital and Firm Performance in Kenya: A Panel Data Analysis. Nile Journal of Business and Economics, 5(12), 3-16.
(2019). Unmasking the cancer phenomenal using the lens of Vogue magazines in UK and USA. . Researchjournali’s Journal of Public Health, 5(5).
(2019). Use of regression to study the effect of fabric parameters on the adhesion of 3D printed PLA polymer onto woven fabrics. Fashion and Textiles, 6, 1–12. Springer.
(2019). Use of regression to study the effect of fabric parameters on the adhesion of 3D printed PLA polymer onto woven fabrics. Journal of Fashion and Textiles, 6(24), 1-12.
(2019). Using ICT Infrastructure to Support Knowledge Transfer at the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat). Digital Technologies FoR Information, 214.
(2019). UV/NIR-light-triggered rapid and reversible color switching for rewritable smart fabrics. ACS applied materials & interfaces, 11, 13370–13379. ACS Publications.
(2019). Validating movement corridors for African elephants predicted from resistance-based landscape connectivity models. Landscape Ecology, 34, 865–878. Springer.
(2019). Validation of a self-report adherence measurement tool among a multinational cohort of children living with HIV in Kenya, South Africa and Thailand. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 22, e25304. Wiley Online Library.
(2019). Validation of an HIV/AIDS stigma measure for children living with HIV and their families. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC), 18, 2325958219880570. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
(2019). Variations in the course of the common peroneal nerve in the Kenyan population: a cadaveric study. East African Orthopaedic Journal, 13, 72–77.
(2019). Whatever happened to local otolaryngology societies?. JAMA Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery, 145, 107–108. American Medical Association.
(2019). “Where the Shoe Pinches”: Impediments to Successful Execution of Gender Quota Thresholds in Kenya. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 6.
(2019). Which Direction for Secondary School Boys? An Analysis of the Influence of Social Media on Boys’ Academic Performance in Bungoma, Kenya. Journal of Advances in Education and Philosophy.
. (2019). 339 Interdisciplinary dermatologic and wound care needs assessment in Western Kenya. Journal of Investigative Dermatology, 138, S58. Elsevier.