Salvage of recurrence after surgery and adjuvant therapy: a multi-institutional study. Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, 161, 74–81. SAGE Publications Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA.
(2019). Publications
School Leadership: Role of Age and Gender in the Principal’s Religiosity. . Society of Educational Research and Evaluation.
(2019). Self-Determination and Resistance in Adversarial Contexts: A Reading of Ng{\~u}g{\~ı wa Thiong’o’s Detained: A Writer’s Prison Diary. LIFT: The Journal of African Literature, Film and Theatre-Dialogues in African Literature, Film and Theatre, 1. Moi University Press, Eldoret.
(2019). Social Construction of Retirement among Retired Teachers in Makueni County. International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology (IJRSA), 5, 1–11. Website
(2019). Social Media, External Prestige and Students’ Attitude towards Postgraduate Enrollment: A Conditional Process Analysis across Levels of University Reputation. SEISENSE Journal of Management, 2, 1–19.
(2019). Socioe conomic factors hindering domestic tourism consumption in Kenya: the case of Nakuru, Mombasa and Nairobi towns. African journal of hospitality, tourism and leisure.
(2019). Source apportionment of micronutrients in the diets of Kilimanjaro, Tanzania and Counties of Western Kenya. Scientific reports, 9, 1–14. Nature Publishing Group.
(2019). Stated-preference research in HIV: A scoping review. PLOS ONE, 14, 1-23. presented at the 10, Public Library of Science. Website Abstract
(2019). Stock Market Liquidity and Financial Distress Likelihood Among Listed Firms in Nairobi Securities Exchange, Kenya. Journal of Economics, Finance and Accounting Studies, 1, 28–38.
(2019). Strategic Options for Disposal of Domestic Solid Wastes in Kisii Town, Kenya. Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 24(2), 1-12.
(2019). Strategies for Effective Stakeholder Engagement in Strengthening Referral Networks for Management of Hypertension Across Health Systems in Kenya. Global Heart, 14, 173-179. presented at the 06.
(2019). Strategies for Effective Stakeholder Engagement in Strengthening Referral Networks for Management of Hypertension Across Health Systems in Kenya. Global heart, 14, 173–179. Elsevier.
(2019). Strategies for improving adult education participation in Kenya: A case of Trans Nzoia East sub- county. International journal of science and economic invention, 1, 96–102. International journal of science and economic invention.
(2019). Strategies for Improving Adult Education Participation in Kenya: A Case of Trans-nzoia East Sub-County. International Journal of Social Science and Economics Invention, 5, 96–to.
Students’ Perception of Their Participation in Decision Making In Secondary Schools: Implication on Discipline In Eldoret East Uasin Gishu County Kenya.. International Journal of current Research , Vol.11( Issue 06), 4723-4728.
Subcutaneous Metastasis of Cancer of the Endometrium: Case Report.. . Oncol Case Report J. , 2019; 2(1): (1008.).
Subversive Narratives as Strategies of Resistance: A Critical Analysis of Yvonne Vera’s Works. International Journal of Research and Scholarly Communication, 2, 1–30.
(2019). A system approach to improving maternal and child health care delivery in Kenyan communities and primary care facilities: baseline survey on maternal health. African health sciences, 19, 1841–1848. Makerere University Medical School (Uganda).
(2019). A systematic review of the nasal septal turbinate: An overlooked surgical target. American Journal of Otolaryngology, 40, 102188. Elsevier.
(2019). Taming Women in National Elective Leadership Positions-The case of Abagusii of Western Kenya. Elixir International Journal, 129, 53000-53004.