Various schools of Philosophical thought about the subject matter that should be included in the early years of schooling curriculum. Reimagining Practice - Researching change: First international conference on cognition, languages and special education research., 3, 112-121.
(2003). Publications
Violence and alcohol : a study of injury presentations to Emergency Departments in Eldoret, Kenya : short research report. African Safety Promotion, 1, 38-42. University of South Africa (UNISA). Website Abstract
(2003). Wide and continuous wavelength tuning of micro-cavity devices for optoelectronic applications. Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication and Microsystems, 2, 265–274. International Society for Optics and Photonics.
(2003). Women librarians in Kenya: a study of their status and occupational characteristics. Library management. MCB UP Ltd.
(2003). Writing her story: the woman and history in Marjorie Oludhe Macgoye's' Coming to birth'. Nairobi Journal of Literature, 34–41.
(2003). Aerobic pathogenic bacteria in post-operative wounds at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital. East African medical journal, 79(12), 640-644.
(2002). African philosophy: the task of addressing contemporary social problems. Thought and Practice in African Philosophy, 247–254.
(2002). Alternative breeding schemes for meat sheep in the tropics. In World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livesto ck Production (7th ed.). presented at the August 19-23, Montpellier, France.
(2002). Alternative breeding schemes for meat sheep in the tropics. In Proceedings of the 7th world congress on genetics applied to livestock production (p. 19–23).
(2002). Brewery wastewater treatment in a fluidised bed bioreactor. Journal of hazardous materials, 90, 311–321.
(2002). Clients of female sex workers in Nyanza province, Kenya: a core group in STD/HIV transmission. Sexually transmitted diseases, 29, 444–452. LWW.
(2002). Continuously tunable air-gap micro-cavity devices for optical communication systems. In Proceedings of the SPIE ITCom 2002 (Vol. 4871, p. 145–59).
(2002). Educational publishing in African languages, with a focus on Swahili in Kenya. Nordic Journal of African Studies, 11, 18–18.
Ethics in international health research: A perspective from the developing world. Bull World Health Organ, 80.
Hemp Fabric Reinforced Polypropylene Composites: An Investigation of the Mechanical Properties. In 10th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM-10), Brugge, Belgium, June 3rd – 7th 2002.
IDEOLOGY FOR THE LIBERATION OF WOMEN OF KENYA. Critical Gender Discourse in Africa, 1, 92. Hope Publications.
(2002). The impact of the structural adjustment programmes on Kenyan society. Journal of social development in Africa, 17, 81–98. Citeseer.