A novel low-cost tunable dielectric air-gap filter. In Optical MEMs, 2002. Conference Digest. 2002 IEEE/LEOS International Conference on (p. 175–176). IEEE.
(2002). Publications
Objective: To determine the pattern of surgically managed peptic ulcer disease. Design: A retrospective study.. East African Medical Journal, 79.
Reforming Kenya's company law: lessons from other countries. East African Journal of International and Comparative Law, 1, 71–81.
(2002). The role of society in the woman's subordination in selected works of Bessie Head. University of Nairobi.
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Theoretical assessment of alternative pure-breeding schemes for sheep meat in the tropics. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique.
(2002). Theoretical assessment of alternative pure-breeding schemes for sheep meat in the tropics. Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique.
(2002). Trilingual Codeswitching in Kenya-Evidence from Ekegusii. Kiswahili, English and Sheng: Dissertation zur Erlangung der Wurde des Doktors der Philosophie der Universitat Hamburg.
(2002). The understanding and performance of basic Mathematical concepts in both seeing and children who are blind. Special Needs Education (SNE).
Application of Ground Charcoal in the Removal of Organic Matter in Water Treatment. East African journal of Engineering.
(2001). Breeding objectives for meat sheep in smallholder production systems in the tropics. In Book of abstracts no. 7: 52nd Meeting of the European Association foa Animal Production, Budapest, 2001 (p. 254–254).
(2001). Breeding objectives for meat sheep in smallholder production systems in the tropics. In Book of abstracts no. 7: 52nd Meeting of the European Association foa Animal Production, Budapest, 2001 (p. 254–254).
(2001). Breeding objectives for meat sheep in smallholder production systems in the tropics. Paper at 52nd meet. European Assoc. Anim. Prod., Budapest, Hungary.
(2001). Determining optimal size and operational efficiency of Nandi secondary schools. Unpublished master of philosophy Thesis, Moi University.
(2001). Ethics and participation: Reflections on research with street children. Ethics, Place Environ, 4. Website
(2001). Formation of ultrafine scale structures in aluminium containing small amounts of particles by conventional rolling deformation. Journal of materials science, 36, 4711–4717.
Kiswahili: A Tool for Development: the Multidisciplinary Approach. Moi University Press.