A Review Paper on Application of Model-Driven Architecture in Use-Case Driven Pervasive Software Development. International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 70(30), 19-26.
(2022). Publications
Role of surgery in paediatric oncology. In Paediatric Oncology Workshop.
(2022). Scope of Paediatric Surgery at Moi Teaching & Referral Hospital, Eldoret; Kenya. In Association of Paediatric Surgeons’ symposium.
(2022). Severe abacavir hypersensitivity reaction in a patient with human immunodeficiency virus infection: a case report. J Med Case RepJ Med Case RepJ Med Case Rep, 16, 407. presented at the Nov 8. Abstract
(2022). Sodium perborate walking bleach: A minimally invasive treatment option for restoring esthetics. Kenya Dental Association, 12(2), 952-957.
(2022). Sodium Perborate Walking Bleach: A minimally invasivetretment option for restoring esthetics. Kenya Dental Association Journal, 12(2), 952-957.
Some Flaws in CJ Martha Koome's BBI Opinion regarding the Basic Structure Doctrine. Platform for Law, Justice & Society , (76), 31-37.
(2022). Stability of Constitutional Structures and Identity Amidst Political Settlement: Lessons from Kenya and Israel. In Comparative Constitutional Law Workshop. presented at the 22 June 2022, University of Melbourne.
(2022). Structural and electronic properties of light atom doped 2D MoS2: Quantum mechanical study. In Advances in Phytochemistry, Textile and Renewable Energy Research for Industrial Growth (p. 157-161). CRC Press.
(2022). A systematic review of interventions to reduce HIV-related stigma among primary and secondary school teachers. AIDS care, 34, 1–6. Taylor & Francis.
Teacher Practices in the Implementation of the New Business Subjects’ Curriculum in Uganda: A Case of Selected Secondary Schools in Kabale District . Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies , Vol. 2(4), pp. 56-70.
. (2022). Teachers’ commonly held cognition on use of instructional media in English language pedagogy in secondary schools in Kenya. International Journal of Education and Research www.ijern.com, 10(4).
(2022). Telling the story of intersectional stigma in HIV-associated Kaposi's sarcoma in western Kenya: a convergent mixed-methods approach. Journal of the International AIDS Society, 25, e25918.
(2022). A Theological Perspective of Domestic Violence in Kenya. East African Journal of Traditions, Culture and Religion, 5, 40–49.
(2022). Thinking about Constitutional Developments in Kenya in 2021. African Network of Constitutional Lawyers Blog.
(2022). Treatment outcomes of esophageal cancer in Eastern Africa: protocol of a multi-center, prospective, observational, open cohort study. BMC cancer, 22, 1–13. BioMed Central.
(2022). Turning Doctoral Research Supervision into a Partnership: Towards Promoting Quality Research in African Context. Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies, 2, 84–93.
(2022). Turning Doctoral Research Supervision into a Partnership:Towards Promoting Quality Research in African Context. . . Canadian Journal of Educational and Social Studies, 2(2), 84-93.
(2022). Two New Pentacyclic Triterpenoids, an Alkaloid and a Long-chain Fatty Acid from Albizia Coriaria (Welw ex. Oliver). Journal of Chemistry, 10, 128-141. presented at the 07.
(2022). A type III effectiveness-implementation hybrid evaluation of a multicomponent patient navigation strategy for advanced-stage Kaposi’s sarcoma: protocol. Implementation Science Communications, 3, 1–15. BioMed Central.
(2022). The Unknown effects of land utilization types in soil greenhouse gas emissions in Western Kenya. Egerton University International Conference. presented at the Apr. Website