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(1996). Epidemiology and control of haemonchosis of small ruminants in semi-arid Kenya. Kenya Agricultural Research Institute Information Bulletin, 17, 1–334.
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(1996). An inbred colony of oncogene transgenic mice: diversity of tumours and potential as a therapeutic model. British journal of cancer, 73, 65. Nature Publishing Group.
(1996). An inbred colony of oncogene transgenic mice: diversity of tumours and potential as a therapeutic model. British journal of cancer, 73, 65–72. Nature Publishing Group.
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(1996). Pathologic quiz case 2. Cystic lymphangioma. Archives of otolaryngology–head & neck surgery, 122, 893–895.
(1996). Staffing structures in the public library system in Kenya: a case for a new approach. Library Review. MCB UP Ltd.